Resolved Resolved by ptp!

Arduino Motor Shield With Iotiny

Is it possible to connect a motor shield like an Arduino A000079 Motor Shield to the iotiny to control a pair of DC motors? If so, how would it be wired?

Related Hardware EZ-B IoTiny


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Hey, you can upload the Firmware to connect ARC directly to an Arduino...I guess thats the easiest option!:)

#2   — Edited

Hi,  good luck EzAng




I use ARC To drive and control DC motors I with a IoTiny with battery - with a L298N Motor Drive Controller Board Module Dual H Bridge DC Stepper Module for Arduino
Please stop spamming ! Can you please explain how your answer helps answering the user question:


Is it possible to connect a motor shield like an Arduino A000079 Motor Shield to the iotiny



Is it possible to connect a motor shield like an Arduino A000079 Motor Shield to the iotiny
Yes it's possible, but has additional requirements and you will need to use the "Custom Movement Panel" with some scripting.

A000079 Motor Shield documentation:

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You need to connect:

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Shield D12 - Iotiny D0  Shield D 3  - Iotiny D1 Shield D13 - Iotiny D2 Shield D11 - Iotiny D3

Plus you will need to connect: Shield GND - Iotiny Black Pin (GND) The shield requires 5V to operate the circuits logic (not the motors), and sources from the Arduino 5V shield.

Out of the box the Iotiny has a stable 3.3v :

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looking to the shield schematic:

uses L298N:

The L298N accepts 3.3 v, but the shield is built to source 5V from the arduino board.

you have three options:

  1. If you are powering the Iotiny from a stable (not batteries) 5v source you can connect the shield 5v to the iotitny (Vin).
  2. You can try to connect the Iotiny 3.3 v to the Shield 5v and see if it works with a lower voltage.
  3. You need a 5v DC/DC something like this: using a DC/DC you can convert the Iotiny Vin > 6v to stable 5V and feed the shield.

This is only the wiring part, to make it work you will need to use custom Movement panel.


PTP - so does this hbridge work by having the direction true (forward) or (false) reverse? And to stop, simply stop the PWM?

#7   — Edited


basically they use a single pin (dir) and nand circuit
both terms are correct:

  1. XNOR for an OR gate that inverts the inputs before OR'ing.
  2. NAND gate: an AND gate with an inverted output.

*** Wrong check the next post ***


The previous post is incorrect, I was in a middle of something, to clarify:

the truth tables:

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The truth tables are not the same.

The arduino motor shield uses a XNOR (4077D): but in the schematic is displayed as NAND (not correct):

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the dfrobot uses a NAND gate:

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and is correct they use the NAND as NOT gate

When i did the the post i look the nand symbol and following theirr implementation logic (XNOR) i assumed a NAND and XNOR produce the same output.

They used the wrong symbol for the 4077D ic.



They used the wrong symbol for the 4077D ic.
I couldn't let it go... and they are not wrong.

So if there is XOR maybe XAND must exists too:

logic table:

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so it's a XNOR ...  So XOR is true when the inputs are different, a XAND (XNOR) is an "equivalence gate".

If we look careful there is an "e" inside of symbol and the meaning must be "exclusive" or "equivalence"...

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no XAND boolean operator, it's an alias for XNOR.

@Jeremie: Does XAND makes sense when XNOR is the real operator  ?

#10   — Edited


Thank you so much! That's really very helpful! You rock!