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ARC Revolution Error When Downloading A Robot


So I am trying to sync my library so I can download some 3D printable robots but I am getting this error:

Downloading library index... 12 EZ-Bit identities downloaded Comparing against your library... Download 12 EZ-Bits... (This may take a while)

1 of 12) Downloading JD Biped Body by DJ Sures (2,292,276 Bytes) Error downloading from EZ-Cloud: The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'There was an error deserializing the object of type The maximum array length quota (16384) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxArrayLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 4, position 191334.'. Please see InnerException for more details.


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro is your gateway to a community of like-minded robot enthusiasts and professionals, all united by a passion for advanced robot programming.


Just tried again, I can't download anything or see any 3D printable parts because of this error. Anyone else having this error? Or is the sync library button working for you?


Hi, feroze, yes I'm having the same error. You're not alone.

Steve eyeroll

United Kingdom

It's the same issue with the cloud which DJ addressed earlier. Frustrating I know but hold out until they can fix it.


ah ok, well all I really care about is that it is not just me. Having an issue that only your computer is dealing with is the worst!


Nope me too:( You are not alone;)

I noticed this in the code.


wouldn't it be with a hyphen? I know it says its a size issue but going to goes to nowhere so I'm assuming anything to do with that name wouldn't exist either.

Also is there a way we can download the bits externally then put them into the proper folder?

United Kingdom

Not sure if it's because I just changed computer or not but downloading the library is working on my laptop. It may pay to give it another try.

Edit: Spoke too soon... got a timeout this time on JD's Feet

Another Edit: It works on my Windows 8 Laptop but fails on my Windows 7 desktop. Windows 8 laptop has got 6 of the 12 downloads so far, it fails with timeout on the 4th part (JD Biped Right Foot) sometimes and other times on the 6th (JD Biped Foot and Ankle). Each time I restart the sync it redownloads all 12 (or tries to).


Are you getting the MaxArrayLength error on windows 7 or windows 8?

United Kingdom

Only on Windows 7 for me. Windows 8 times out only.

Just checked what it had downloaded on Win 8 and the folders were mostly empty. 1 and 3 had some files (I wont try and write the filenames), folders 4, 5 and 6 all empty. no folder 2.

Update: Windows 8 finished the download/sync OK now, all working. Windows 7, still the error above. Not sure if it's OS related though but that's the main difference between the PCs.


My Win7 school laptop is still getting the original length error of the first file. I'm still at school for a couple of hours. I'll try my home Desk and Laptops ASAP and give any info I get. Both are Win7 but my laptop was cored a few days ago to be primarily my ezb command center so maybe I'll have some better luck. I also could be having issues with the schools internet. I'll post when I get home.


Interesting. Okay ill take a look to see what difference windows 7 has. As for the timeout, that'll be an easy fix. Update coming soon:)

That's beta for you:)

United Kingdom

Just checked on my other Windows 7 PC and it throws the same error so most likely an OS issue.

On the plus side, I cheated and copied the EZ-Bits over from the Windows 8 to the Windows 7 PC and that worked so once on Win 7 it's all OK.

I've paid good money for buggier software;) Isn't this why you have betas?:)


I to got the same error thought it maybe because i only have win xp ¿


@Rich, I was going to do the same when I got home. My Sister in law has win8;) Glad to know it worked. I'm also cool with helping troubleshoot bugs in beta. I'm a beta tester for the Xbox360 Dashboard so bugs are just a part of life to me.


I was using Win 7 when I had the issue

United Kingdom

I'd say it's a win 7/win xp issue then since that's 2 win 7 and 1 xp for me that it happens on.

Out of interest, has anyone else had sucess with Win 8?

United Arab Emr

I used my vmware machine on my Mac with windows 7 x64 . Installed .net 4.5,the ARC new version , sync and it started downloading almost finished 5 files....9 files ....11 files


I am unable to reproduce these errors... Does anyone know what their windows version details who are experiencing errors?

  • Windows 7 or 8?
  • Windows 64 or 32?
  • Is everyone who is receiving an error getting the same warning about "MaxArraySize" ?
United Arab Emr

Downloaded all and 3D design is operational .

Using Mac , VMware , .net 4.5 , windows 7x64 .

Smooth , direct , takes sometime with downloading compared to 2 MB , .....No errors.


This is what i get every time i try

Downloading library index... 12 EZ-Bit identities downloaded Comparing against your library... Download 12 EZ-Bits... (This may take a while)

1 of 12) Downloading JD Biped Body by DJ Sures (2,292,276 Bytes) Error downloading from EZ-Cloud: The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'There was an error deserializing the object of type The maximum array length quota (16384) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxArrayLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 4, position 191334.'. Please see InnerException for more details.


I got the files on my Desktop. Win7 Home Premium 64bit. Not on my laptop Win7 Pro (It has the 32 version but should have 64. I'm probably going to put 8 on it now that I notice my 7Pro is only 32bit). So Win7HomePremium64 OK. Win7Pro32 no go. (Same max array size error btw)

I think my school laptop may also only be 32bit. Maybe that's the real problem?

Hope this helps.


I am using Win8 (64bits) and everything works just fine... I have been able to download the whole library without any problem.

I think it is the first real advantage I see in Win8 over win7 since I have installed it:D

United Kingdom

Windows 8 32 bit Pro - Downloaded OK after numerous Timeout errors.

Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit - Error (max array)

Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit - Error (max array)

Windows XP Pro 32 bit - Error (max array)


It is working for me now! I installed .NET Framework 4.5 the newest one from Microsoft and it works now! Everyone try doing the same first and see if that fixes the issue.


do you have a link to dl the framework 4.5 file

United Kingdom

Ah ha, I have 4.0 on this (32bit W7 Ultimate). Desktop has 4.0 (W7 64 bit) Laptop (Win8) has 4.5

.net 4.5 download

Will update once .net is updated:)

United Kingdom

Will everyone please stop downloading .NET 4.5 its slowing down my download :)

ok finished now hehe


Haha so now that I got that issue fixed I can move onto the actual issues of how do you configure and print the robot?

I can see how you can manually build your own robot with parts from the library but isn't there an option to just use the pre-built design, only setting up your custom servo ports?

I am trying to make JD the bi-pedal robot in the design area. I just dragged out all JD parts except for the arms. I am not sure how to make the arms? Isn't there a way to just select a pre-built robot to print?


Oh i just read DJ's post, look like they might be under examples...


ok well i cant get the .NET Framework 4.5 to install at all and i did every thing it said to do but no go so i guess its just another thing i need to buy a new computer for:(

soon i will be compleatly left behind in all the fun lol

United Kingdom

You'll still be able to buy from the store dude, JD and hexapod will be for sale from what I gather. No need to 3d print or modify files. And I am assuming your PC isn't going to be the best for making your own 3d files.


Not sure what .net my desktop is at but my laptop is 4.0 so, I'm going to delete the files then try again after 4.5 installs. I'll post results.

United Kingdom

I click on EZ-Bits, Library, Sync now which I presume is correct?

.NET 4.5 didn't work for me I get this message

Downloading library index... Error downloading from EZ-Cloud: There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

Might be something to do with webpage naming

This web service is using as its default namespace.

Recommendation: Change the default namespace before the XML Web service is made public. Each XML Web service needs a unique namespace in order for client applications to distinguish it from other services on the Web. is available for XML Web services that are under development, but published XML Web services should use a more permanent namespace.

United Kingdom

And .net 4.5 is what was needed. Working perfect now.

It also solved the cloud problem I was having and mentioned earlier:)


yes i could buy the parts but if i cant dl the files into the program i will not be able to see how thay go together or any of that other stuff so i will need a new computer before i can part of the revolution ive tryed looking at it but nothing shows with out the files


I'm successful on Win7Pro32 after .net update from 4 to 4.5:)

United Kingdom

OK Windows 7 machine 64 bit OS and .NET 4.5 works Laptop Windows 7 64 bit OS .NET 4.5 errors

Go figure?