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Country: USA
Member Since:


  • 2012-04-12 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-04-12 - created first new question
  • 2012-08-29 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2013-01-07 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2016-06-03 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2017-01-09 - shared your first photo in the forum

Latest submissions

Wifi Not Working

Wifi Not Working

Hi, I keep reading you can use wifi but tried it and no luck and dont know of anyone who got it to work. I asked Dj for help but no reply,did anyone get it to work and how thanks

Raspberry Pi

will this work with ez
4G Lte

4G Lte

I am just getting back working with EZ robot and I am trying to connect to 4G LTE on Verizon for unlimited range. I can connect EZ to my tablet hotspot but I can not connect to it from my pc. If I connect EZ...

Foscam Camera Get Commands

Hi,how do i set up HTTP GET commands for foscam camera pan/tilt so when i steer to left cam turns left,steer right cam turns right and center cam goes center. I have my project on cloud (RC 4x4) make changes if u like. here is a command http://my-ip-port/decoder_control.cgi?command=35onestep=5user=adminpwd=admin all i have to do is change the...
Wifi Help

Wifi Help

can anyone help me get ez hooked up to wifi? i got Uart-Wif but can not get it to work. I cant put a computer on robot to much weight. is there another wifi that will work with ez? mad

Check This New Robot Veterobot

Nimh Batteries

check out these batteries they look good and i can build charging station and dont have to worry about batteries starting fire. here is a some chargers would love to here some input


can i use droidmote with ez-b
Now This Is A Robot

Now This Is A Robot

take a look at this robot can control from i phone...

New Brain

check this out

Wii Buttons

got wii to work but how do you setup buttons

Battery And Charger

Hi everyone,what kind of battery, charger are you using and how do you recharge your robot. I was thinking of mounting charger on wall and have robot back into it like wowwee rovio. Any ideas thanks tom


did anyone get wifi to work?it would be nice to connect pc to ez by entering an ip address instead of com port could this be coming in the future eyeroll

Wifi Help

did anyone get the wifi to work?
Wifi Question

Wifi Question

Hi, i have a robot i am building and want to have robot in 1 house and computer in my other house. I just got the wifi Uart-Wifi module(did not get it to work yet)is this a good path to take or...

Upgrade Maybe

Hi,i am working on 4x4 rc/robot and am using this wifi rc reciver with android app and love the app for camera and controlling it from phone.It would be great if EZ-b had a way to see and move robot at same time from phone (any good phone app builders out there) I have PC running at home and use a android program called...
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