— Edited
Hi, I keep reading you can use wifi but tried it and no luck and don't know of anyone who got it to work. I asked Dj for help but no reply,did anyone get it to work and how thanks
This is the tutorial page for Wifi: https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/Hardware.aspx?id=22
Tried it but can't get com port to work.I know others have tried with no luck.
What do you mean by "Can't get com port to work"?
As far as I know through the forum, anyone who has followed This Tutorial has had working wifi.
Once you purchase a Wifi module, connecting to the EZ-B is simple. The Receive, Transmit, +5 and GND are the only wires you will need to connect. You will need to follow the directions for the Wifi module that you are using. We do recommend the Wifi module in that tutorial, but there are many others.
There is no reason why one uart enabled wifi module would work and another would not. The communication from the EZ-B is TTL Serial Uart because it is a very popular communication protocol to support.
Which Wifi module are you using?
I am using the same one in the tutorial,I might have a defective wifi module i am going to order another one and try again
@pittom To confirm, you are first hooking up the WiFi module initially to your PC and programming it to the correct SSID/Password (either as Ad hoc or Infrastructure)?
Or are you having issues getting it initially configured to the PC (via USB-TTL adapter?) in-order to program it?
EDIT - Since there is a bunch of "prep & programming" required before you even plug it into the EZ-B... I guess what I should have asked is... at what step in the MANUAL are you running into issues
@Gunner ok have problem with USB-TTL adapter played with then got it to work,got it program left security open but should i use auto mode(i did) got virtual port working but will not connect.virtual port tries to connect
just got new wifi but it is auto mode tried hyper terminal and even tried this from other post and no luck,
Posted at 7/5/2012 1:44:46 PM #4 I am sure following the instructions should do it. Simply connect the wifi to the ttl usb then open arduino next set the serial port to the specified com that the ttl is on. open the serial monitor type in +++ and hit send. You should receive +ok as a response, this should remove it from auto mode. From there you can use the wifi software to programm the wifi card.
Ok almost got it working,do i want auto mode?
When the WiFi board is powered up it will not identify itself with the ip address you have obtained during your initial testing of the board and will not use the password needed to handshake with your router unless it is in the auto mode.
what ip address and port # should i use for auto mode,the same that i used for wifi card network setting ip
There was a step in the documentation downloaded from the website for the initial setup of the USB WiFi that had you type in a command to obtain the ip address your router assigned when it first discovers the WiFi board. The port assigned is 8090. The ip to use is the same one that you sent the ping command to.
Ok several days of trying and here is where i am at. My new WIFI came in(USB-TTL module was bad on old one) all drivers loader and with help of this POST I did this setup
SETUP LINK get to setup auto mode and here is what i get
sorry pic
WHAT wifi board are you using
I've only seen the last few posts and not read the instructions for the wifi board and this is purely assumptions but shouldn't it be set to server not client? What happens then?
I'd also put a timeout in there, 120 should be fine but up it if you feel you need to.
havent got that board,but looking to get it,one i got is little different but has same output i havent tested it yet on EZB waiting on RJ45 protoboard board to come in to have both WIFI and wired network on EZB,i think both should work ok only thing i check that the virtual port shows up on EZB as com 5 and on my computer may be your board it bad or ? have you tested it with the software from elechouse
also might check your firewall to see if you have that port added,if not can add one easy
just had a quick (and I mean really quick) search on this and everything I come across showed it being set to server not client
1~virtual port shows up on EZB as com 5 and on my computer ( yes )
2~have you tested it with the software from elechouse ( yes )
3~ it being set to server not client ( ok i will check that )
thanks this is driving me nuts and can't put computer on rc robot.If i get this to work (make me happy) and @Dj will have a new way to sell his product that we all love.
couple of other things to check i see it needs 5 volts for that board check the voltage on EZB
other item check your EZB again with bluetooth to see if your EZB is ok another item last resort switch the pins tx and rx there are other tests to try,i forgot the name right now but you need to tie tx and rx on wifi board and use term program second is you wifi on your computer setup and wifi board on computer shows it listed at networking i am very good at it
@pittom did you get it working? I'm looking at using the same board for my build as bluetooth isn't good enough for the range I need
so so, i got it to connect but ez gives me some data (some readings on voltage monitoring ) but that's all, my scanning servo won't even move. I think data is supper slow,rechecked ez with bluetooth and works.@richmr2 was wright i had it in clint not server mode.
Still trying
SO how its in the setting,you should get near 54mbps
I couldn't login to the free single virtual port GUI so found one that does the same thing but costs $99 a port. I still can't access EZ-B, here's what I get:
Found a fix, When using independent battery supplies to power the WiFi board and the EZ-B, the batteries need to share a common ground.