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Country: USA
Member Since:


  • 2020-02-28 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2020-02-29 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2020-03-07 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2020-08-06 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
  • 2020-08-19 - shared your first video in the forum

Latest submissions

Connection Issues

Connection Issues

I cant connect my EZ-B to my computer, and the tutorials are not helping.  Im able to get the wifi connection running, I boot up ARC, but the debug log says... Connection Failed:...
Glitching Sound

Glitching Sound

After hooking up an external 8 ohm speaker to the EZB and figuring out how to get the LED in my Robie Sr.s mouth to flash like I wanted, everything was working great. But then for no reason...
How Do I... Not Be Hopelessly Lost?

How Do I... Not Be Hopelessly Lost?

Im sorry for ANOTHER stupid question, but Im having a REEEALLY hard time following the Tutorials and searching for help in the forums here. Ive just...
Why Won't My Batteries Connect?

Why Wont My Batteries Connect?

Im sorry if this question sounds really stupid, but I am so lost its not even funny. The tutorials recommend that rechargeable batteries be used to power the...

How Do I Connect Servos To The EZ-B?

Yes, I know you plug them into the various ports, but... then what? Im working my way through the online tutorials with my developer kit (which is proving to be all kinds of strange, since everything Ive seen so far revolves around using specific robots like JD and Adventurebot, preventing me from actively following along with what theyre doing),...
Covered In Schmutz...

Covered In Schmutz...

So my first developer kit has finally arrived, and Im excited to bust out its contents and start experimenting with them. To my surprise, I find that the EZ-B is covered in some...

Is There A Way To Connect The

Is there a way to connect the tape player of an omnibot to the EZ-B or battery holder?  Itd be awesome to have that retro piece of technology still operational amidst all the brand-spanking-new tech thats been retro-fitted into the body without having to hunt down (and figure out how to reconnect it to) one of those bulky battery packs it...
Until The Neopixel Bits Become

Until The Neopixel Bits Become

Until the NeoPixel Bits become available... ...what is the preferred stand-in...

Weve All Seen It.  The Super

Weve all seen it.  The Super Armatron has it, the Omnibot 2000 has it, and if you take away the head of Gypsy from MST3K, its all you have left!  I am of course talking about those fun bits of rubber tubing that add a clean, industrial flourish to any robot.  Im in the process of taking an old Robie Sr. and giving it the same treatment that DJ...
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