Asked — Edited

Until Theneopixel Bits Become

Until the NeoPixel Bits become available...

...what is the preferred stand-in LED that has the kind of connection that fits into the EZ-B controller?  The Robie Sr. I've acquired has a single LED in his mouth that DEMANDS it flash as it speaks, but it and the light bulbs in his eyes wouldn't fit the controller properly.

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Any led. Check this tutorial:

That tutorial shows how to pulse the led but it explains how it’s connected to ezb. The ezb outputs 3.3v, which is great for any led


RGB LEDs would work well too, you'll just need to use 3 digital ports for each LED.

#3   — Edited

Oh, and RGB would require a common +3.3v (get from ADC port) and the digital port would GROUND (low) to turn it on, and HIGH to turn it off. Opposite of how the regular LED would work. A regular LED would be powered off the signal pin of the EZ-B digital port.


Depends if you get a common anode (CA) or common cathode (CC). DJ is describing a CA type but with a CC type all you need is 3 digital ports (high signal) + GND.


I just followed DJ's Tutorial Link from above and quickly did the T 800 eyes mod by speeding up a few numbers for the pulse effect,Now it looks like when Terminator gets crushed by a large weight in the movie and the eyes flicker. Now if I can unfreeze the chromed jaw I want to try the talk servo and get it to talk with those eyes like that.


I'm going to connect a neo pixel tonight on my live stream if there's time following raspberry pi.

Check it out if you're not busy - otherwise it'll be saved online for after