Release 2019.03.17.00

(Autonomous Robot Control Software)
Make robots with the easiest robot programming software. Experience user-friendly features that make any robot easy to program.

Change Release Notes

  • All beta release changes have been rolled into this stable release

  • Auto Position works across multiple EZ-Bs. InMoov users celebrate!

  • Fix for continuous rotation servo Movement Panel reported here:

  • new installer branded with Synthiam

  • support for Mickey's firmware for Adafruit 16 servo shield

  • new icons

  • Added support for EZBPi Server. Instructions here:

  • Updated XML Documentation for Visual Studio when creating a plugin. There's a ton of documentation for classes and methods to assist with plugin programmers.

  • ez robot designer performance improvement

  • interface builder performance improvement

  • adding controls performance improvement

  • auto arranging controls performance improvement

  • opening projects performance improvement

  • RoboScratch object list performance improvement

  • debug window popup on bottom of screen performance improvement

  • firmware tools for loading xml capabilities

  • added support for microbit bbc

  • do not check for video capability with ezbv4 video

  • changed \ to Path.DirectorySeparator for cross platform

  • Auto Position movement form fix (brought status log window to front)

  • board and capability for wheel encoding (0x000000B)

  • Capability support added for Sain Smart inverted pendulum balance robot firmware:

  • Support added for Inverted pendulum control:

  • ping distance sensor control will auto update when GetPing() EZ-Script command is called with matching port values and the checkbox on Pause is set per request from Nomad here:

  • Capability manager for supporting other pcb's with custom firmware implementing the ez-b protocol

  • capabilities for connected devices register in ARC and controls can query the capabilities so multiple controller types with different features can be connected (i.e. arduino, ez-b v4, etc)

  • added emulator support for capability board

  • added capability and firmware support for Arduino Uno, Arduino Mega, Robotis OpenCM and Robotis OpenCR

ARC Downloads

ARC Free


  • Includes one free 3rd party plugin robot skill per project
  • Trial cloud services
  • Free with trial limitations

For schools, personal use & organizations. This edition is updated every 6-12 months.



Only $8.99/mo

  • 2 or more PCs simultaneously
  • Includes unlimited skills
  • Cloud backup
  • And much more

Experience the latest features and bug fixes weekly. A Pro subscription is required to use this edition.



  • Load and run any ARC project
  • Operates in read-only mode
  • Unlimited robot skills
  • Early access fixes & features

Have you finished programming your robot? Use this to run existing ARC projects for free*.

  • Minimum requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 2+gb ram and 500+MB free space.
  • Recommended requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 8+gb ram and 1000+MB free space.
  • ARC Free known-issues can be viewed by clicking here.
  • Get more information about each ARC edition by clicking here.
  • See what's new in the latest versions with Release notes.

Compare Editions

Feature ARC
  Get ARC for Free View Plans
Usage Personal
Early access to new features & fixes Yes
Simultaneous microcontroller connections* 1 255
Robot skills* 20 Unlimited
Skill Store plugins* 1 Unlimited
Cognitive services usage** 10/day 6,000/day
Auto-positions gait actions* 40 Unlimited
Speech recongition phrases* 10 Unlimited
Camera devices* 1 Unlimited
Vision resolution max 320x240 Unlimited
Interface builder* 2 Unlimited
Cloud project size 128 MB
Cloud project revision history Yes
Create Exosphere requests 50/month
Exosphere API access Contact Us
Volume license discounts Contact Us
  Get ARC for Free View Plans
* Per robot project
** 1,000 per cognitive type (vision recognition, speech recognition, face detection, sentiment, text recognition, emotion detection, azure text to speech)


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So we don't need the firmware upgrade anymore?


The ezb v4 and ezb iotiny both have firmware. If the firmware is out dated, update the firmware.

I dont understand your question but I attempted to answer it best I could. Also, please never ever double post. Your other post was removed.


my question is simple, I have the new 2019 EZ- builder program


Do I need the  ezb v4  firmware upgrade?

#5   — Edited

I wish it was that simple:). I’m still unable to understand the question. If your ezb v4 or ezb iotiny have an old firmware on them, you can upgrade them with the respective firmware utilities. However, you only need to upgrade the firmware if there’s a feature that isn’t working - generally very noticable. The controllers ship with the latest firmware. Given the questions you’ve been asking on the forum, I do not recommend using the firmware upgrade utility because I don’t have confidence in the reliability of your windows installation. There’s a high probability you will damage the ezb, even though it’s nearly foolproof:)

Also, there is no 2019 version of EZ-Buulder. You can see the version of your installation in the title bar when the software loads. If there is a new version available, there is a window that will flash notifying you of the new version. An ARC version includes the year, month, day and release, in the format of 2019.03.18.00 for example.

Forget about the ezrobot firmware:)

#6   — Edited

Hi EZang60, I may be wrong but maybe you're confusing Firmware with Software.

ARC is Software that resides on your computer. It can be upgraded by downloading the latest and greatest "ARC Designer" from the Download Software and simply install it right on your computer. You can find it here: Download Software

Firmware resides on the EZB or iotiny. It's what makes the board run all the devices and communicate with the computer where ARC is running. Usually you shouldn't monkey around with updating this unless you're having problems or know it's an old board. You'll find a program already installed on your Windows 10 computer that will do the Firmware update for you. You'll find it in the Windows Menu (the little window icon in the lower left of your desktop) under Synthiam. Just click on the Firmware Update utility that matches the EZB you have and follow the directions on the screen.

It's been a long time since I used this utility but I think it may tell you if you have the latest version already installed before you actually click on the Update Button to an update. Again, don't do it unless you know you need it or know what you are doing! It's very possible you could trash your unit if something goes wrong. I've seen other users on this forum have this happen. If that happens just throw it in the garbage.


Again, thanks for all your responses