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Remote control robots or add telepresence capabilities with Exosphere
Remote control robots using your phone or PC, or grant access to others for collaborative control.
Add your robot to Exosphere for telepresence and remote operation
Sythiam Swag
Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

Add your soundtrack to robot building adventures, or add this to your robot! Introducing the Synthiam IPX6-certified...
Augmented Reality by Synthiam
By Synthiam

Augmented Reality

Overlay images on detected objects, colors, faces and more.

3d Printed Ez Robot Bob by mcsdaver
By mcsdaver

3d Printed Ez Robot Bob

I forgot to click Robot Showcase so I am starting over here with Bob. Bob is my 3d printed EZ robot built with EZ-Bits, 3d printed parts and...


Enhancing ARC For An Advanced Wall-E Companion Robot

hey DJ need some help! I recently came across your impressive work on Synthiam ARC and Exosphere, and I must say, the capabilities showcased are truly remarkable. Inspired by the video demonstrating your innovative platform, I am currently working on building a custom Wall-E robot. The project has been incredibly exciting, and I see immense...

Removing A Beta Skill

I have developed several skills as part of my learning process to understand how to create skills in Synthiam ARC. Currently, all these skills are in beta status. I would like to know the procedure for deleting one of these beta skills to avoid confusion with outdated or unnecessary skills. Could someone guide me on how to delete a skill that is...

Converting Script Code To Javascript

Can you convert the following Script code to Javascript? controlCommand(Camera, CameraFaceTrackingDisable) $FaceRecog = 0 $Speech = 0 # Change eyes to blue if (IsConnected(0) = 1) pwm(d17,100) pwm(d18,0) pwm(d19,0) pwm(d21,100) pwm(d22,0) pwm(d23,0) endif # Set all servos to start position Servo(d0,90) Servo(d1,90) Servo(d2,40) Servo(d3,180)...
The Better Navigator
By Synthiam

The Better Navigator v34

Improved version of The Navigator based on Hector SLAM, with more features and path finding.

Raspberry Pi Better Navigation Example Needed

Hello Athena, I am interested in building a Synthiam robot using a Raspberry Pi as the main controller. I would like to incorporate the Better Navigation skill into my project. Could you please provide an example of the necessary hardware components and a wiring diagram to help me set it up? Thank you, Steve V

JD Humanoid Simulator

Hello, I would like to inquire if there is a simulator available for the JD Humanoid robot. I have been informed that the robot will arrive in approximately two months. However, our academic semester has already commenced, and we are eager to begin working with the robot as soon as possible to avoid any delays in our learning process. Thank you.
Cute Little Open Source 3D Printed Robot.

Cute Little Open Source 3D Printed Robot.

You might want to consider 3D printing a component for your project. This could be an excellent opportunity to utilize the IoTiny...
Arcx Community Introduction

Arcx Community Introduction

About Synthiam Synthiam Inc. is a pioneering force in automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and technology business integration, dedicated to making advanced...

Wheel Counting With Arduino

Hello @Athena, Could you please review the following code that I am using on my Arduino Mega 2560 to count motor pulses? I am encountering an issue with the output on the Serial Monitor. cpp int encoderValue_A = 0; int encoderValue_B = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(2, INPUT); pinMode(3, INPUT);...

How To Move A Servo 360 Using Blocky With Time

I would like to control a 360-degree continuous rotation servo using Blockly in Synthiam ARC, specifying the duration of movement instead of a specific angle. Which blocks should I use to achieve this? I assume I need to use the Move Servo block to identify the servo number. What other blocks should I use to set the duration and speed for the...
Fxrtst's Introducing Alan

Fxrtsts Introducing Alan

Edit:  Kickstarter campaign failed in 2015. In 2023/24 you too can build an Alan by joining my Robotics Masterclass. Learn as you build. Available soon....
feature request
CAN BUS Control

CAN BUS Control

Challenge. Go big or go home. Im looking into the CAN actuators used on the Cheetah mini. They are not poorly priced ($300) and offer 150 pound/inch of torque @ 24v. They are brush less,...