Add New AIML Categories with Your Voice

Creating New AIML Code Via Your Voice

Don't forget to change the $AIMLPath variable in the prior step so that it points to your AIML directory.

  1. Click the "Start" button on your new script.
  2. The program will ask you verbally to add new input.
  3. When prompted, say your new "pattern". For instance, "How is your dog?"
  4. The program will ask you verbally to add new output.
  5. When prompted, say your new "template". For instance "My dog is just fine."
  6. The program will prompt verbally to ask if you want to add another "category".
  7. Answer "yes" if you do.
  8. When you are finished your new AIML file will be in your AIML folder.


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Hello Super le code . Merci beaucoup .

#2   — Edited

nice program will try it out



Hi Thomas.  If you have time could you make a video of each step to make this work. I am having a hard time following your steps to crate AIML using my voice.  Do I need other plug-in to make this work.

Thank you in advance. Cheers


this is excellent, just what i was looking for:D


Yes that is what I am using... i am using that and part of your code to listen...

Wait for user voice input and store input

controlCommand("Bing Speech Recognition", "StartListening") controlCommand("Bing Speech Recognition", "UnpauseListening") sleep(3000)


this all works

then I do this... if ($BingSpeech = "how are you")

do something


even though the $BingSpeech printed "how are you" from my voice, the If statement does not fire am I missing something?