Add New AIML Categories with Your Voice
Add Bing Code
controlCommand("AimlBot", "SetPhrase", $BingSpeech)
Put this code into the "all recognized script" (click on the green rectangle inside the "config" window) and save the script and save the configuration.
Hello Super le code . Merci beaucoup .
nice program will try it out
Hi Thomas. If you have time could you make a video of each step to make this work. I am having a hard time following your steps to crate AIML using my voice. Do I need other plug-in to make this work.
Thank you in advance. Cheers
this is excellent, just what i was looking for
I just saw these.
I will try to make a video.
This requires the bing voice input skill.
Yes that is what I am using... i am using that and part of your code to listen...
Wait for user voice input and store input
controlCommand("Bing Speech Recognition", "StartListening") controlCommand("Bing Speech Recognition", "UnpauseListening") sleep(3000)
this all works
then I do this... if ($BingSpeech = "how are you")
do something
even though the $BingSpeech printed "how are you" from my voice, the If statement does not fire am I missing something?