Wall-e Wall-e From Poland - Tribute To My Newborn Child - Marcel :-)


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Hello Everyone !

First of all I would like to thank all of You for great inspiration to building robot, specially DJ Sures and Louis T . Many of Yours ideas were copied in my project guys. It takes almost 3 months to build Wall-e with 12 servos, Mp3 trigger, amplifier, camera, ultrasonic distance sensor, laser diode and some other stuff...

Now it's time to programm something ;-) (and by the way, sorry for my English I'm not a native speaker ;-)

The biggest challange in construction:

  • head - many small parts in small head: 4 servos (2 servos for movement 2 parts of head independently, and 2 for eyebrow movement), camera, laser diode, blue right eye
  • and of course the neck for vertical movement - you will see, why it was hard to do...

After upgrade:

  • VU meter for mouth emotion
  • Bar led for voltage mettering in place of wall-e solar battery
  • Voltage metter on the back with current voltage
  • tilt servos to move body up/down during forward/backward movement

Laser diode in phone camera looks amazing, don't you think ;-)

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And the heart is beating...

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Plans for the future:

  • 2 servos for wheels tilt (like Louis T) (It's done - now I have 14 servos in my Wall-e ;-)
  • 2 servos in the arms for fingers movement (I have to forget about it because there are no so small servos :-( )

Walle inside:

And problem with neck

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By — Last update


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Problem with neck

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Your Wall-e's really cool.

Having the eyes far apart make him look a little creepy though. sick


In this position maybe, but I can show you another very very soft of head positioning, where wall-e looks nice/sweet and friendly ;-) The reason that i made a gap betweeen the eyes are emotions - bad and good -lilke in real life ;-) my friend, not only like in good stories ;-)


And of course yours is very sweet for me ;-) and you spent a lot of time I suppose :-)


Hej. One question - where can I buy toy like this to rebuild in Poland?



In Poland - nowhere :-) In the world - you can buy ;-) Mine is from England ebuy, after 3 months searching


I'm from Szczecin for your information Man and welcome in "the real world" :-)


I think that you can wait for offer to spent no more then 100$ for such a toy, rest is too much;-)


fisha, I sure like how your robot can show emotions! Very cool, good work. Steve S


Thanks a lot Steve S. Actually, I've made some modifications in my project: 2 additional servos for arms, and the sinew between two parts of head to show emotions more softly (two parts of the head are more closely now - I minimalized the gap between the eyes ;-) In free time I will make some pictures or video. I've also changed mp3 trigger to wirelees audio transmitter (30m) - it is much better in quality and I can play any phrase on wall-e without any boundries (of course Pandoras bot too ;-). I've resolved the problem with the powering of my wall-e, now I have 5Ah acu, built with 2 slots (each 6x2500mAh AA acu) connected in pararell.


@fisha I haven't looked at alot of the walle projects but yours is awesome. I know its been said, but that eye emotion is great. I'm going to look at some of the others now just to compare. Truly inspiring.


Thank you, but you should see the project of Louis T - it was amazing!

Louis T. project rules ;-)

Mine is only some kind of copy with some additional stuff ;-) All wouldn't be possible without DJ Sures And wall-e is very kind type of robot ;-)


It is the first step for me and amazing for Wall-e ;-)

and... the Masters of the second scene ;-)


Fisha, I love the expressions. The LED bar is cool. Do you have it hooked to an amp or sound servo? The video is great. Thanks for sharing. Steve S


Thanks. The mouth LED bar is VU meter which I made and it is connected to amp of course


Upgrade for voltage Bar meter and exact voltage metering in the back ;-)

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fisha, Excellent additions to your robot. Nice detail. Is the voltage readout part of a voltage regulator, or is it a separate unit? Steve S


Thank you very much:) For bar voltage metering I have separate unit connected stright to battery, because only in this way I can really check the power level (voltage regulator has to much loss). I've also do the voltage check on ez-board ADC port to signal low level via the wall-e like "Robot in danger - I don't have power" speaking ;-)


Excellent work!


@fisha Very impressive workmanship on your Wall-E! I like the work you did on the arms. Which servo did you use for horizontal arm movement? How did you attach it to the grey plastic joint?

I bought a Wall-E 7 months ago and ordered a Development Kit. While I patiently wait for that to arrive I've been reviewing all Wall-E projects on this community forum and I've started taking my Wall-E apart. I've undone the two screws in the arms but can't pull the 2 halves fully apart. The plastic at the end near the hands is glued together. I'm scared of using too much force in case I break it. Is this normal or does it have to be cut to come apart?


woa woa woa! hold up

@fisha how did you do the voltage meter light up on the front panel!?!?!? that's amazing!