Hi All, not strictly a robot, but I wanted to see what it would be like to give Alexa a (pretty face)! Tony
By Toymaker
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Ok, that was pretty cool ! How whas it done?
This is fabulous!
She is great ! Alexa needed a face to go with the voice. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Tony! Good to see your work again. Miss you man. This is fab! I was watching this while sitting next to my Dot. Funny, I got different answers when she heard you asking the questions. Amazing times we live in.
Anyway, you can share the magic behind your animated friend here? I have to admit that I react with a similar face when I think about you. However I think it's only a little case of gas. LOL. (just kidding)
Hi Guys, thanks for the kind words - Dave that was funny my friend!
I have now merged the new Alexa "input" device to the ALTAIR Robots, this adds a lot of extra functionality to my Assistive Care Robots.

TonyIt's good to hear that the ALTAIR Robots are still around and octave. Any chance of giving us an update on where you're at with this robot platform? Are you having any success with public sales or is it even to that point yet?
Hi Dave, I am now seriously looking at developing Assistive Technology and Assistive Care Robotics, there is a lot that can be done these days to help people that are disabled or elderly. I am currently looking for investors to take the ACR robot (ALTAIR) to market, but its a tough job! Tony
That's a great idea. Your ACR is perfect for this. I wish you well on this path old friend. I'm sure you'll be a success.
Thanks Dave!
If you could design a care robot that can help wheelchair bound stroke victims that can not speak anymore, tht would be the ultimate. I see very little out there to help , and my its my mom who had the stroke years ago. I am still looking , or possibly design one myself that could be helpful for a stroke victim.