Here Is Something Different.




Upgrade to ARC Pro

With Synthiam ARC Pro, you're not just programming a robot; you're shaping the future of automation, one innovative idea at a time.


How cool is that .... going forward or backward it can still grab a beer can! nice ...hope to see it in action some time:)


@irobot58 Thank you :-} I wanted to try something different and well it seems to be fitting right together, I have actually thought about doing away with the original Omnibot arms and adding another set of Robosapien arms and hands, but I sort of like the way the robot looks now and it seems to be able to function fine, I don't know, still creating and building something different and unique :-}


@stonewolf personality/character is more important then functionality ..except for delivering a beer can of course!:)

South Africa

How did you get the hands did you make it yourself or did you buy it and if you bought it from where did you buy it from


@society Thanks for asking your question :-} The top arms and hands are from a Wow Wee Robosapien V2 robot, I bought off of Ebay really cheap, because it couldn't walk anymore. It is really simple to fit the Robosapien V2 arms into the Omnibot 2000 body, very little cutting and customizing was needed.

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are you gonna post a the idea.:D


@nomad18.08 Yes I plan out posting a video, once I get the V4 installed and up and running, right now I cannot do anything :-{ The robots looks have changed some, I will be updating pictures soon.


cool.i have a v2 reddy only needs another motorboard.


These claws are really weird and awesome at the same time haha. Excited to see how they work:)


Well the weather warmed up today, so I took advantage and I sprayed primer on my robot today came out perfect. Still have to prime the arms. Also coming up with ideas for the chest and some lighting also, just taking my time.

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I just wanted to show some updated pictures of my robot ROAMIN. I have been working on his chest and front area, need to sand a bit more and fill in a few pin holes and some low areas around the seam where I fused the two bodies untop of each other. I think its looking very smooth myself.

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So far, so good. Nice craftsmanship! Looks like your having a ton of fun. :)


@Dave Schulpius Well let's just say it is a job of it's own, but yes I am having fun doing it, but the body is a lot of hand work, sort of like restoring a car or truck, which I have 8 restores that I have done. Once I get the body all smoothed out and the lines straighten I will be spraying some colors, it will be 2 colors. I still have to setup my lightening for the chest area, trying to keep it as clean and smooth looking as I can. Now that the weather is getting warmer, I can get things done and not be so anxious to get the V4 kit and other things that I have on preorder. Dave I also wanted to say your craftsmanship is far better than mine, your robot is one heck of a build, hopefully as time goes on I will build a larger bot :-}


Yes! hats off to you, Dave. You both have done a GREAT job!


Hello everyone :-} Well today I started painting my robot Roamin, the temperature was perfect and I had plenty of time so I locked myself in the garage. The two colors I am using is Dupli color Gunmetal Grey Metallic and Metalcast Anodized Blue, the two colors look very good together and of course I clear coated everything. I have decided not to have 2 sets of arms, originally I was going to have 2 sets of arms, uppers and lowers, since I fuzed 2 bodies on top of each other. Where the lower arms were to go, I am going to put speakers instead. I will have 2 speakers in the front of the robot and 1 speaker on each side of the robot, each set of speakers will be used for 2 different things. Front ones will be used for when he talks and the side ones will be for music and weather radio, things like that. I have to goto the auto parts store tomorrow and get some more paint, came close to having enough, but need abit more. I will post pictures once the paint cures for a few days, I am in no hurry, just happy to get some color on my bot. Still working on making shoulder covers also :-} Hopefully by the time the V4 kit and the other things I have on order gets here in July, the body will be ready to come alive :-}


Hey, Dupli Color Gunmetal is the same color I use on all the dark gray areas of my B9. In fact all my paint is Dupli Color. I love it. It's a very high quality paint, durable, deep colors and goes on smooth and even.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Roamin with a coat or two of paint.


@Dave I love Dupli paints :-} I have used them on the RC 4x4's I have built for people and yes it is very high quality paint, goes on easy, the secret to painting is several light even coats, to many people get in a hurry and spary to heavily and then you get runs and a crappy ass paint job. Patience, light coats and don't get to close while you spray. I have just look at the body and the pieces I painted, it's going to look good when I put it together :-} I like spraying paint, just wears me out, seems like a project takes me a day or two, but my things look good :-} I had to remind myself today that I don't want my robot flawless, some imperfections are ok, he got to look a little weather and used :-}


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Here are a couple of updated shots of my robot ROAMIN. Coming along rather well. But I am still anxious to get my preorder and give him some life so I can you some videos :) Hopefully in another month or two that should be happening, I hope, seems like forever waiting all winter and spring.


This is one neat looking bot. Can't wait to see him in action.