Hi, this is my outdoor Robot, Giant scale with EZ-Robot board using Wall-E base ( summer project )
Hello, my project was made from a electric wheelchair base ( Quickie 601) I remove the original brakes and my two motor are controled with a Sabertooth 2X25 in Radio Control mode.
I connect the output of my EZ-Board normally connected to the the motors (Continuous Rotation Servo) directly in Sabertooth imputs normally used to connect to channel 1 and 2 of the Radio Control receiver.
The software that I currently used is the one of Wall-E ( designed by DJ ) , and all works very well !
I still have to install all sensors and a wireless camera, I intend to add a high gain WIFI antenna on the EZ-Board and on my 2.5 camera for more range ( actualy a have only around 25 feet ( 7 meters ), Other option ? put a PC ( laptop ) inside ?
I'll add more photos and video as soon as possible
thank you for following my project
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Waw, another cool one ! Show us some more plz!
Very nice! Some build pics and description would be great!
May I ask what's your profession ? You look like a real robot professional to me.
Yes no problem ! I'm a Business development Director on a Security ( alarm) company ! and for your request I'm not a Robot specialist ! I just love Robotic and electronic, I have some faclity in electronics Yes ! but I'm zero in software ! for that I use EZ-Board ( ARC )
You can make same thing it's very easy, you just need some mechanic & electronic talents !
Sabertooth & EZ_Board is a very good combinason for big robot maker !
Think Big !
Thank you very much !
@Michael your robot is large enough to easily house a mini atx pc. Pico power supplies are efficient and run on 12v. Also there are higher output WiFi transceivers you can purchase on eBay. I myself however just purchased a 4g highspeed usb webstick to plug directly into my pc as a backup connection. If your WiFi connection fails or becomes to weak it uses the web stick. It's a great backup control option. Once your robot has its own pc you can control it using a PlayStation controller , a smartphone or touchscreen tablet.
Hello JS and thank you for your suggestion! I also thought a 10-inch mini laptop because when you add the hard disk, the keyboard and screen and .... ,, the cost is similar and the all in one is less fragile (I think) plus I do not know Linux? ?
Yes but in an overall project, the mini atx pc is the right choice for anyone good in soft !
Thanks for your comment
@Michel Hello and welcome. I like your robot... that is a similar way I want to go, using an old electric wheelchair for a base. Are you going to add automation features and such to it?
FYI, A Mini ATX PC is just that, a computer, It can run Windows as it is still a "normal" x86 based PC, it is not limited to Linux.
I'm thinking big all the time, alas my wallet thinks rather small... Congratz with your work,
thanks Gunner! yes yes yes the final project ( if final exist ha ha ) that I expect to do for this Robot is a lawnmower full automatic guide by GPS
I Hope DJ develop this feature (gps) soon ! Actualy I work to add sensor & detector on it !
Have fun !
excuse my english because my first language is Canadian french !
I'm working on a lawnmower too. I'll post a few pic's and share what I've got so far. Uptill now, I haven't included the GPS but it was on my mind.
Bien à toi et à bientôt,
Hello PhG , I'm interested in your mower project ! and Yes, I would like to have more information on your development!
Merci et a Bientôt !
Cool work, yes a GPS is great for all outdoor robots.
@mcsdaver.... Ummm the thread has been dead for over 8 years but better late than never I guess...
Ya Mc is back catching up! Missed ya Dave!
Dunning-Kruger, ya can't fool me. I know who you are. LOL. Good to see you too.
maybe drinking more lemon juice helps