Hello everyone
I am building a robot to help me get my amplifier on and offstage. I plan also to allow people to take control of the robot's head over the internet during the show. this would allow them to experience being onstage with us. They should be able to communicate with us thru the robot afterwards. I am planning on 3d printing a cool shell for him after he is functional and try to market him.
Anyway, I have collected some pieces, namely
- invacare pronto sure step m51 - power wheelchair
- Sabertooth 2X25v2
I am ready to overide the wheelchairs set-up and install the sabertooth while I wait for the EZ-B any nuggets of advice about unhooking the batteries, etc.
here is the first day of the build pictures with some info http://imgur.com/a/MzeXd
By Sleenard
— Last update
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sorry here is the link <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/MzeXd/embed"></iframe>
Sorry!<a href="http://imgur.com/a/MzeXd">HERE</a>is the link
hmm. hopefully you can get it
Try searching the forum for 'wheel chair', There a a few threads on this subject. I personally can't help you but I know others are either doing it or working on it.
BTW here is the link @Snee posted
This is actually the link to the pictures
I can imagine a shell for this dude would be huge for a 3D printer to make. I'm pretty sure your better off doing a custom fiberglass shell. Its not that difficult , you can even use foam as a base and cut it out with a hot wire cutter. I'm guessing you are going to have a small PC like a netbook onboard so you can just control it from a tablet or smartphone?
@jstarne1 thanks for checking it out! Yes I saw a netbook at best buy for like 300 It seems powerful enough, but it is running windows 8 which looks really not cool to me. I run windows 7 64bit. does EZ B run on windows 8?
I was thinking of 3dprinting out cool scale-like plates or (heat bending/carving white cutting boards) and riveting them together kind of like samurai armor but you are right that might be overly complicated. What kind of foam would you suggest?
@antron I have been lurking heavily on the wheelchair forum search results!
@sleenard windows 7 is preffered right now because its Easiest to use. Take in mind win 8 is the newest platform and it really makes sense to get the newest available because that is what the new features of ARC and SDK are being made through. As far as windows platform support.
This is the cheapest way to go for foam modeling. Basically you can use a basic shape , it can even be a square box since you are a beginner. Pour the part A and B together , mix and pour into your basic shape mold. Make sure the basic shape is slightly larger than you want you end product to be
. Two hours later the foam will fill up your basic shape mold and probably pour over a bit. Pull it out and now you have a giant block to carve from! Ta-Da!
Next you "carve the general shape of what you want. You don't need to be a artist at this point. Measuring and marking with a sharpie does wonders. I myself like to use a long seratted bread knife to cut away excess from the block. Use your guide lines you mark so you don't cut too much off. Cutting in straight lines for a begginer is best. Once you have cleared away most the excess you will probably have a basic shape that looks like a Giant gem with all the flat straight edges. This is normal. Next step - electric hand Sander and 80 to 120 grit sand paper is excellent at shaping. This is Step where you make the actual shape of what you want the final product to be. Waves or low spots or even holes can be covered. Lastly you coat the foam with epoxy resin to seal it up and if you want to paint it you can use normal automotive body filler for little fixes if they bother you. Stay away from shiny black paint or flat it shows all your imperfections. Deep blue or liquid red are excellent at hiding imperfections.
Here are links to check out for techniques to get shaped you want. Take in mind some people use great stuff foam in a can but that's the expensive way to do it http://www.kamuicosplay.com/2010/10/about-my-love-to-expanding-foam.html
"Sounds" like a great project @Sleenard! keep us posted...and always great advice @jstarne1
Hey Sleenard,
You probably have already researched all this out by now, but I was going to throw at you what I did.
Here is the link to the post that I have some photos of my chair bot.
I removed the joystick and motor controller that was on my chair completely. Just used the wires straight from the motors and hooked it to my 2 X 60 Sabertooth controller (kind of an overkill).
I removed the breaks from the motors, (the cap on the top) Here is the link to the video I used to remove mine. In the video the guy just tapes up the wires that went to the breaks, but I gently pulled them from the cable side and they came right out of the motor housing after they were unhooked.
I currently have my Sabertooth connected using the serial connection and it seems to work just fine. Only thing is I don't seem to have variable speed control like I would have if it was in RC mode. I'm sure you could script for this feature, but you can set the maximum forward speed, reverse speed, etc. You just have to set up the parameters in the EZ-robot software. It takes a little bit of tinkering, but I have mine driving, turning, reversing now pretty good. Just pay attention to the settings, they are a bit tricky...
Test it in an open space cause the chairs are pretty powerful and will bump shins, table legs, the cat, and everything else that might be in it's way. Have your cursor on the stop button just in case things go crazy. I just went +10 to -10 on either side of stop for each setting to start out with. It's a nice crawling speed to get everything tweaked in at.
Look up the model number of the box that you think is the motor/controller, charger on the internet. On my chair the motor controller was actually in the joystick housing, and the box was just a charger only. There are two smaller wires that go from the charger to the joystick that are actually a inhibit that disables the chair when it is charging. I just disconnected those wires and the charger still charges the batteries and everything.
Jack the drive wheels up in the air until you get all your motor settings tweaked in.. That helps!
Here are my initial setting I used for my Sabertooth setup...
Left Forward Value: 74 Right Forward Value: 201
Left Turn Left Value: 54 Right Turn Left Value 201
Left Turn Right Value: 74 Right Turn Right Value: 182
Left Reverse Value: 54 Right Reverse Value: 182
Good Luck and have fun with it!
TheCrustyChicken Justin McClure Stephenville, TX
Hey sleenard can't wait to see updates bud , I made this suggestion to crusty and thought it may benefit you too. If you want " emergency stop" obstacle avoidance sensors here is the placement of the 5 sonars HC-SR04.
Perhaps it could reduce the chance of a foot getting ran over or hitting a car on the way in the building.
OK well Im pretty excited now, that was some excellent knowledge @thecrustychicken! I have been following your posts about your search for variable speed. I will keep you updated on my progress on that if you dont mind!
@jstarne wow! EZpeezy! I love the foam! Also I will definitely be implementing your anti-footcrusher technology!
well I have a new update that concerns this picture
If I only had a brain...
@irobot58 Ha! just got that one
@Sleenard I understand everything but the pink pig tissue box lol
pigbot video!
The video is set to private
You made the video private so it doesn't work. make it unlisted. people can't search it up, but you can share it.
oops! sorry here it is, unprivate
Pigbot is dead! long live I.M.A.G. ONE New blog post
here is a new video!
Thanks pj_Dtechy
I updated the blog with some info as well
Well I threw all my ideas away and came up with a new idea for a droid that can walk you to the store and wait with your dog outside then carry your groceries to the park and play music while you eat a picnic, maybe accept some phone calls, do some video chat with your grandmother, play a video game, then walk you and your animal home. If it gets dark, Droid will light your path. He stays in the garage. He is like a car replacement for people who want to green up and exercise. I am calling it "the nanny" or "the Guardian"
Also, it can pull a little cart with my Amp in it.
this is a super quick sketch of the new designs for 1)chassis and head design 2)folding arm design 3)servo hand design
The black cylinders are motors of an unknown kind. the strut is made of steel, links, steel. the chassis will be fiberglass The head will be redesigned a lot. I don't know where that blue light would come from but it looks cool to me. I put some heavy duty servos on the hand and a floating EZ B for fun at the end.
This is pretty rough sketch so far but Does it seem functional to you guys?
Kudos to you Sleenard! Your robots are pretty cool. I like your openness to pivot from one creation to another. I look forward to seeing videos/pics of your next project(s). Happy Building!
RoboNaNNy! Lol
LOL josh! @1Natoya...I second your comment! and @sleenard awesome ,very creative
:( it says your last video is private.
I started welding up the frame