AVA advanced visual android


United Kingdom

Hello Again pheww the robot legs are done and ready to 3d print each joint uses a parametric slew motor which are driven by 550 type dc motors or nema 17 stepper motors (your choice) because I just made an adapter so you can use either and they are to be used with l298n h bridjes and an ezb or converted arduinos. These are the size of a human. I am waiting to 3d print them as my printer is broke. the part is coming any day now. These legs use 12 gears and 12 dc motors but can also be driven with 6 as the motors will still turn with 6 motors.


Enjoy There free to download

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By — Last update


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With Synthiam ARC Pro, you're not just programming a robot; you're shaping the future of automation, one innovative idea at a time.


Great look!

I am interested to know what 3d printer did you use?


Oh my gosh those are great legs! Uh, now it sounds like i'm hitting on your robot;). Very cool - will they connect to the InMoov easily?

United Kingdom
#3   — Edited

Hey guys

EzAng I use a creality cr 10 all of the files will print on a 300 by 300 by 400 build volume.

DJ Sures Thank you for the help last time. I have learned a lot from your tutorials as well  I designed them for my robot https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4166931 but I am sure they could easily be modified for Inmoov.

Inmoovs waist should roughly be the same size?

People are welcome to remix the files and I am sure people will for there Inmoovs


Can't wait to see the rest, best of luck



"Oh my gosh those are great legs! Uh, now it sounds like i'm hitting on your robot;) " I wonder what the REST of the robot's gonna look like. lol


We were looking at your robot a few minutes ago - wow!!! Everyone here is blown away. I hope you get a ton of credit for it!

United Kingdom
#7   — Edited

DJ Sures

I hope so I always get shadowed by inmoov. But I feel there is space for more than one humanoid robot in the world. And It is always good to take a different approach to robot building I am going to use your video function to project the face or a vlc call up function via DLP mini projector. It will run on a loop idle video face animation. I have Already completed this the profile pic is the face. And then overlay when spoken to reactions and responses e.t.c

I appreciate the community here its a good boost


With 9 billion people on earth, and a robot industry that's supposed to be taking 50% of jobs... there's A LOT of room for humanoids of all types.:)

If anyone ever thinks one company can own an industry, while it did happen with the telephone in north america, it's not something that happens in this day of age. Specifically with robotics being such a massive massive massive massive forecasted impact.

United Kingdom
#9   — Edited

Exactly For me I imagine androids exploring space and exo planets. We can use them as a window into exploring these new places in the solar system.

There are so many possibility's on how useful they will be on a basic level customer service jobs. On a more advanced level repairing space stations and mars bases.

The dumb robots of today will just need an AI update and become smarter.

Making these legs open source and free to everyone will get us closer to those goals

I had this other idea to

weigh down the feet with weights for balance and stability.

What if we put Solenoid Lift Holding Electromagnets attached to the feet?

The android Could climb up steel structures

Just a thought.......................


Hey, I actually agree with @DJSures, you should make those parts connectable to an Inmoov...I am not an Inmoov builder myself, but doing so could get this huge base of builders to pay closer attention to what you are doing!

Your robot looks great! I cannot believe you are having the parts printed at some company...must be insanely expensive!!

Really great work!! Looking forward on further updates!:)

United Kingdom

Your robot design is fantastic, I will enjoy seeing its progress!

I second making the parts connectable to a Inmoov, as I'm a Inmoov builder, but I assume that would be a huge task to modify now?

Whereabouts are you located in the UK?  I live just outside Reading in Berkshire.

United Kingdom
#12   — Edited

Mickey666Maus These can be printed on a hobby printer. I am printing them on my 3d printer anyone with a 3d printer can print them


Really nice leg design. They 'look' like they will be very functional but are there enough degrees of freedom in the joints to walk? With no side to side articulation in the hips and ankles how do they shift weight?

I like your work, it is inspiring.

United Kingdom
#14   — Edited


Thank you

I have updated the file now to have Potentiometers on each joint for positional rotation there is a different rotation for each leg in the hips. The hips are also attached to the torso with large 3d printed actuators connected to the hips and the torso to shift the weight.

So a twist in the top part of the right leg and a lift off of the opposite foot on the left leg whilst also twisting to push forward at an angle whilst counter balancing with the torso twist (all while bending the knees)........... For an example

The feet will also be weighted down

lets see how that goes lol there will be an accelerometer to help as well

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Adding these Potentiometers will effectively turn the parametric slew motors into giant servos. Got to thank @DJSures for that one and the community helped me understand how i can do this with the hbridges and the ezb as well

you can check the update here https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4197520

And the torso of my robot here


There is a ton of rotation degree in all 12 joints