I was so impressed with the new HDD servos I decided to give them a try on a project I've been thinking about for a while... adding some "arms" and "legs" so that the Roli Rover could climb over obstacles.
So I added arms and legs to the Roli and wrote just a simple script to make it move and activate the HDD servos... see video below
The HDD servos are really great!
Regards, Frank
By faengelm
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Now that looks like fun! I love the new HDD servos also. Endless uses will be found!
Very cool.
Love it! Great idea and nice work
Love it Frank! Cool concept!
Frank, that's terrible.
JUST KIDDING. I LOVE IT! Super stellar. Man I love our community. We're all gonna leave a pretty huge footprint in history regarding robotics!
I really like what you did here! Thanks for sharing a great idea.
@Frank... simple but elegant and effective. You can tell you're an engineer...
@Richard_R Yep, you got me... retired Intel Engineer from the Innovation Center
Frank, Great idea, looks like a step climber. Steve S