Upgrade to ARC Pro

Unleash your creativity with the power of easy robot programming using Synthiam ARC Pro


You sure can! I started a design for a humanoid out of pexi-glass a few months ago. I wish I had time to finish it.

You would most surely need to use the SDK to write a PID to monitor the G-Sensor and modify the servo position to balance the upper weight respectively.

Technically I could make an ARC Control to do that. I have made an inverted pendulum a while back and considered building a control for it.

Perhaps in a future release I will build a Humanoid Control. Where you can literally have a fully functional humanoid with only a few configuration settings.

This was my prototype frame for the upper body, torso, and leg to the knee. I hadn't finished the food or ankle yet..

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United Kingdom

What i would do is plan on how high you want it, how it will look and wait for the software.


Hi DJ, this is Kenny, I'm planning on buying an Ez board to replace the board in my Robophilo. The current board is an Atmega32 with 8k of memory total. The board is very limited in control options (ps2 controller or infrared only), has no provisions for accelerometers, and seems to ignore half the commands it is given. Considering that this is the cheapest humanoid kit on the market, i guess you get what you pay for. However, it uses 20 standard r/c car servos, which I can see are totally compatible with your board. My idea is to use the ez-board as a standalone and omit the original board completely. I watched your introduction video, and you mentioned that the software has provisions for Humanoids. I also saw that you have a humanoid robot as well and have an Ez board controlling it, but i couldn't find a tutorial video or any information on how you did it (might not have looked hard enough lol). I think its awesome how you are revolutionizing the entire hobby(industry?lol) by making this kind of functionality this easy to attain. Your videos have given me tons of inspiration for scratch-building my own 1-meter tall, wheeled,mini-itx carrying house bot. Any info you can give me would be helpful, and I'll be making my order soon.


So, I downloaded the ARC software and answered my own question. I checked out the roboy example and from what I'm looking at, it seems like it'll be pretty simple to make my robot walk with this board. This platform you've created is really something incredible.


Hi Kenny, Did you manage to change the controller in your Robophilo in the end? I am very new to this all. I was wondering if it is possible to use the ATmega32 with the ARC. Any info would be useful at this stage. Cheers, Lucyna




I was wondering if it is possible to use the ATmega32 with the ARC.
It's not possible...


Thanks for this. I was going to 'refurbish' my RoboPhilo with some 21st century software. Its original interface is very rudimentary and I don't think I can upgrade it to IOS. Will be happy to get rid of old PC which is used only to program this robot. :(


One thing you might be able to do is use the ATmega32 as a slave controller and run a serial interface from the EZ-bv4 to it. The EZ-Bv4 would become the host and the ATmega32 would be the slave.

The idea would be to program the ATmega32 one last time to accept serial commands to activate all your built sequences that you've programmed over the years. The EZ-Bv4 would have to be mounted on the RoboPhilo and interfaced to the ATmega32 with VCC, RX, TX, GND. The EZ-Bv4 would need either above 4.5V to it's VIN line or 3.3V to it's VCC line. No need for a level-shifter on the RX and TX lines as the EZ-Bv4 digital pins are 5V tolerant and the ATmega32 can read 3.3V logic.

Although this is possible, practically speaking it would probably make more sense to just use the EZ-bv4 to takeover as the entire controller. This would simplify things from the hardware side, except possibly figuring out the battery voltage versus the max voltage rating of the servos. The EZ-Bv4 takes the input voltage and applies it to the servos (7.4V input = 7.4V on the servo power line). Using the EZ-Bv4 and the ease of ARC will likely allow you to replicate all the sequences you've made (and others) in a matter of an hour or two.