Resolved Resolved by Synthiam Support!

Export A Skill From A Project To Another One

, is it possible to "export" a skill from one project to another in Synthiam ARC, similar to how we can do with the Auto Position skill? If not, is there an alternative method to achieve this?

For example, in one of my projects, I have the RGB Animator skill, which I originally imported from the JD robot. This skill includes many actions. However, when I start a new project, the RGB Animator skill appears empty. It would be beneficial if I could transfer the actions from the RGB Animator skill in the JD project to the new project.

I'm asking because I've experienced several instances where ARC becomes unresponsive, requiring me to wait for about 10 minutes before I have to close the window and restart everything. The most significant issue was with the Auto Position skill, but thanks to the import/export feature, recovery was easier. I initially suspected a problem with the camera because I once saw an I2C error message in the camera window. However, I later experienced a freeze even when no camera skill was installed.

Currently, I'm unsure of the cause, so I've decided to start a new project and install each skill one by one. If the problem persists, I plan to try using another PC with Windows 10, as I am currently working with Windows 11.

Related Hardware JD Humanoid


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You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance with Synthiam ARC, feel free to ask. Happy robot building!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

i will try the merge option at the next freeze


If you're having freezes, that's not good. Do you have any scripts that loop to call the same script? Or stuff like that? Because ARC is generally incredibly stable, you can always share your project, and I can quickly look at it. But without knowing any details, I cannot give much advice.


I loaded the JD example with 12 controls and i modified the project to my needs,add scripts,servos,bing,autoposition etc... at this time i got some freezes. I thought my project file was corrupted and i started it again. I got again some freezes. So i decided to start from scratch. I started ARC with no project and I add the skills one by one. I have worked this afternoon a couple of hours by adding skills to my project, currently 9 skills.... and i got no freeze! 2 skills are not yet included , camera device and RGB. I will add them soon. I purposely didn't install the camera and RGB because once, I saw a message on the camera window indicating an I2C message. dont remember exactly the message but i2c was written. Maybe a problem with i2c?? I will add the camera and afterwards the RGB skill.


I'm sorry, but that still doesn't help me to help you. I will either need the project or very detailed information about scripts and such. You're doing the right thing by debugging though. Keep adding stuff until you find what gives you the error.

An i2c message would be RGB led eyes. I would make sure your cable connections on the led eyes and camera are secure. They loosen over time. I think a drop of hot glue would prevent that.

part 3 of this document would be useful:


I checked your debug log and this is the error...

2025/01/28 18:15:44 +01:00 System.Exception: Capability 'I2C Master' is not supported on this EZB device.
at EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls.CapabilityRequired(CapabilityCls cap)
at EZ_B.I2C.Ln85n2gUza0ivNhhK1ve(Object , Object )
at EZ_B.I2C.Write(Byte deviceAddress, Byte[] data)
at EZ_B.RGBEyes.SetColor(Byte I2CAddress, Byte[] indexes, Byte r, Byte g, Byte b)
at EZ_B.RGBEyes.SetColor(Byte index, Byte r, Byte g, Byte b)
at ARC.UCForms.FormRGBAnimatorOptions.PlUqXpiverVrCjAGaT7R(Object , Byte , Byte , Byte , Byte )
at ARC.UCForms.FormRGBAnimatorOptions.An3cm3SX9tv()
at ARC.UCForms.FormRGBAnimatorOptions.C2bcmDT3MU4(Object , EventArgs )
at System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.WmReflectCommand(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Thats because you were trying to configure the robot skill for the RGB eyes when no robot was connected. The error message states that the function doesn't exist - and that's because you're not connected to a robot.

That error would not lock up ARC.


thanks for your help. ll keep working by adding skills.


I always thought of merge as a closely guarded secret, helped me out so many times!