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Very Cool Robot From Robotshop

this is a very cool little robot for under $100 for massages

I going to get one for my older sister thats a professional masaage therarapist


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Haha, is this inspired from all the massage talk in the other thread?

I'm going to buy myself a massage package for valentines day! OMG, I truly am the biggest nerd - ever. Darn it!


ME too with all thses robots i get,my girlfriend always calls me the biggest nerd ever

MASSAGE's relieve pressure for a hard at the office or home


My wife is always calling me a computer NERD! She says I spend too much time on it and fixing other peoples problems. Changes her tune when hers has trouble though:)

  1. I got a wheeme stuck in my hair and it's ripping it out. 911 operator, A what? Oh you said a Whee---me-. Well in that case turn it upside down or stand on your head untill we get there...

Be carefull guys, your wife may not need you anymore if she starts useing the adventure mode


Then buy your wife or girlfriend one too,so far i havent told my girlfriend about it yet might get her one too,very low cost for the features it has in it . I woulder what type of TILT sensor it is using


That is the silliest thing I have ever seen. @DJ, glad your getting a valentines day spa day. It will clear your mind and allow you to focus on building your empire!


will wait to see what my sister says about it since she is a pro massage therapest for a very big hotel chain.

she getting it FEB 14 as a gift from me,DONT expect a video of her using it LOL like the other girl in the video


Seems like an irritating bug or rat on your back! "Get it off, Get It off! Ahhh!"


THAT's funny ,i aslo thing my other sister will like it too.and my DAD he has a problem with his back and my mom not great at it or around to do it,he is 90 and doing great expect for a back problem

MY DAD is really something he stop a job at 86 doing wood work for a very big hospital in miami oldest person ever work there,and got the man of the year award


I got it wednesday ,WOW it works great and felt so very good,almost kept it for my self,my sister it going to love this today for valentines gift,i need to buy more

One for my DAD for fathers day,one for me and maybe my other sister


WOW my sister that does pro masssage for a living love it,not only did she like it so much she took it to woirk and may others that she gives massage too wanted one too.