— Edited
I do not know if i'm in the right section. I built a boxbot as in the tutorial.
I have a problem with the tracking function of the camera. For horizontal tracking, it works well, but not for the vertical tracking. It detects the object down the area grid, the camera go directly to the maximum ("servo max" in config) position and minimum position ("servo min") if the camera detects the objet up, without stopping at intermediate position when the object enters the area. Despite the settings are identical to the tracking horizontal, and increment are 1.
Check the inverted box for the Y axis, see if that solves it...
I had try, but it is not this.
OK, check the relative position box, I had a similar issue and it was either invert or relative position that caused it.
My config looks like this and works perfectly... Highlighted the things I would check in red for you...
my config is similar to yours, but it doesn't works
when I click relative position, it does not change anything for the vertical tracking but also disturd horizontal tracking.
Just an idea... For your Vertical servo Port, the value in servo Min is higher than in servo Max. When I accidentally done that with my Ping Radar Servo, i had the same symptoms (servo went directly to maximum)... Maybe you could try to put 40 in servo Min and 60 in servo Max (and maybe then use Invert Direction?)
Edit (in french): Kalinox, je n'avais pas vu que tu étais français
Donc, en français dans le texte, le problème vient peut-être d'avoir mis la valeur max dans servo Min et inversement. Pour le servo du radar Ping, ça ne marche pas et ça bloque aussi en position max... Ca vaut peut-être le coup d'essayer d'inverser.
@fredebec you beat me to it, good catch. Swap the min and max figures around and it'll work (I would put money on it)
This is what's great about the forum! Good advice from good people.
Merci Fredebec, j'ai modifier les valeurs de facon a avoir la plus petite dans servo min et vice versa. Ca marche niquel.
Merci beaucoup.
Thank you all !