Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by JustinRatliff!

Vb4 Connect Obj Asks For A Password

Finally got VB2013 to recognize the EZB.dll. You might want to tell the three other VB folks out there that your VB .Net must be set to use the Net-Framework V4.5. It won’t work with the newer version 4.5.2 ! Apparently your SDK builds require a specific version of Net Framework. When I updated to VB2013Express and Net Framework V4.5.2 was installed, the existing SDK dlls won’t work. The VB compiler says that the dll is requesting the specific version of Net Framework V4.5. I had to uninstall V4.5.2 and install V4.5 to get VB to work with the SDK. Incidentally, VB.Net 2010 will not allow you to load Net Framework higher than version 4.0. So users must upgrade their VB.NET toVB2013 and then undo the installation of Net Framework V4.5.2 to use the current version of your SDK. Is there any way to do your compiles to accept a current AND FUTURE version of Net Framework ? Just say’n J.

My real problem. EZBV4 connects correctly to my Wi-Fi router when powered up.. EZ-Builder connects correctly. OK !

However when I put the EZB_Connect object on my VB form, and try to connect, it puts up a message box requesting a Pass-Word. WHAT PASSWORD is it asking for ?

It doesn’t request one when I go through ARC. I also notice that the connect object does not have the Scan button on it. (I have also gotten the Connect Object on the Form by creating a new object in the Form Load routine. Seems to work the same way.) Little help please


Where can I get the GPS and Compass modules you use. I have several, but they don’t look like the ones I see in your videos. Do you have videos for connecting and using the GPS and Compass modules ? If using one of the 3 serial I2C connectors, how does one determine the address of the module ? Most of this stuff comes from China with no documentation.

Still frustrated with your power pass-through decision on the Digital ports. I use a 12V motorcycle battery which I can re-charge and has plenty of capacity. Also makes the robot stable with its weight. Rechargeable 6 Volt Lantern battery causes a Low Battery response from the V4. Charger says it is full.

Don’t like LiPo batteries ! They are dangerous Think I may have destroyed a couple of my ping modules. Ami I going to have to breadboard a couple of regulated power boards and make all my connection to that ? That makes all your 3-pin connectors useless . Most modules have a 3-pin female connector. But, if I have to split out the power and signal wires, I end up with a mess of wiring. Do I have to hack all this stuff ?

How about an example script, and an Arduino sketch example, to conduct string, floating, and integer serial dialog (Tx/Rx). It is much easier to connect the sensors to an Arduino.

Wish you had put a board mounted 2-pin connector on your raw audio out. I hate the idea of soldering on your $69.00 board.. Your on-board speaker can hardly be heard.

Mariah Builder


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  1. The EZ-SDK has features specific to the compiled framework. There are many low level/interop and framework version specific dependencies.

  2. The EZ-SDK password prompt Is for linking SDK's to ARC instances. The current RC of EZ-SDK has a parameter to enable it. I will post the RC for you today.

  3. There is no SCAN button on the EZ-SDK. I can provide an example scan form for you in the RC EZ-SDK that I will post. That way you can implement your own scan form. EZ-SDK is not ARC. You will find many features within ARC that are not included in the EZ-SDK. As a programmer, you have the ability to create and customize EZ-SDK projects for your own requirements.

  4. I do not understand your question about the GPS and Compass modules. If you have a module that is not supported, using the EZ-SDK and the module's datasheet, you can connect to it. Datasheets are valuable documents for using hardware. My recommendation is to read the datasheet of the hardware that you are wishing to support. The datasheet for specific hardware can be downloaded on the internet. Google is a great way to search for datasheets. Type in the model number of your hardware and the word "datasheet".

  5. Do not be confused by the serial and i2c interfaces. There are 3 ttl serial and 3 i2c. The address of i2c modules are programmed within the module and can be determined by reading the datasheet. If the "Chinese" modules you are using do not include datasheets, we are unable to help you. Please purchase reputable modules from sources with datasheets. When purchasing hardware modules, check for a datasheet before purchasing. For example, before entering your credit card information into PayPal on eBay to purchase a module, check for a datasheet. Also check that the information is available in which you can understand. If you are unable to understand the datasheet or documentation, the module will not be useful to you, as an example in this conversation.

  6. Do not be frustrated about the power "pass-through". As many have experienced with the EZ-B v3 and other controller boards with onboard voltage regulators, they get very hot and are very energy inefficient. Also, the most popular "peripheral" connected to an EZ-B v4 is the Servo. Our servos are designed for 7.4v which is also the recommended power input. For those using any sensors or digital hardware connected to the EZ-B v4 will need a voltage regulator. In your case, you need a voltage regulator.

  7. LiPo batteries provide the same amount of current as any other battery and are not responsible for damaging peripheral hardware connected to the EZ-B v4. Anything you connect to the EZ-B v4 without a voltage regulator will be damaged if the input voltage is too high for the peripheral device. The EZ-B v4 datasheet and included pamphlet explicitly expresses this. All robot controllers and all future EZ-B's will not include onboard voltage regulators for servos.

  8. The 3 pin connectors are useful to all revolution robots, servo robots and 7.4v robots. Like any robot controller, you are required to use a voltage regulator to manage the voltage of your peripherals.

  9. For arduino related products, please visit as EZ-Robot is not able to support arduino sketches or arduino technical information.

  10. We are sorry you are unable to hear the onboard speaker.


Don't understand from the reply :

"The current RC of EZ-SDK has a parameter to enable it. I will post the RC for you today."

What is an "RC" ?

I simply want to connect my VB program to my V4 Robot through my WiFi router..(Works with ARC).

The Connect object puts up the Password Message box when I click the connect button, and I can't get around it.; Don't want to connect to an instance of EZ_Builder....

I haven't found anything "posted". Where should I look for it? Has it been put up ?

Got around my Voltage Pass-through problem by lowering the "Low Voltage" notice warning to 5.5V and using a re-chargeable 6 Volt lantern battery.. Use mostly micro servos so it provides plenty of power. Not moving heavy stuff. Now most 3-pin devices are happy. Building my own voltage regulated sources cause a mess of extra wires....and makes the 3-pin sockets useless. I don't like chopping up my devices, and hard wiring, because I move them around. I'm still experimenting and not ready to produce a finished robot yet.....

I held my breath and soldered a wire pair to a female audio jack. Plug a wired mobile phone speaker to it. Works. Whew ! I'm not great with a soldering iron...(:-).

I will use the serial uart and a Tx/Rx pair to talk to an Arduino. Don't feel threatened (:-) I'm just playing around....there are good things in both worlds......




Look at using a ubec prior to the EZ-B if you only have devices that use lower voltages. The EZ-B will operate fine on 5 volts, and will pass through 5 volts to all of your devices. If you have something that is digital and requires lower than 5 volts, you can reduce just that one or few devices from 5 to say 3.3 volts.

As you have discovered, you can change the warning level.

The UBEC will allow you to use much higher volt batteries and will limit the power down to lower voltages for you. Most of these will support 3 amps, which for most small projects is more than enough. This will prevent you from having to chop up anything.

  1. The EZ-SDK password prompt Is for linking SDK's to ARC instances. The current RC of EZ-SDK has a parameter to enable it. I will post the RC for you today.

RC = Release Candidate.


Hi Jim,

I can't say I ran into an issue "It won’t work with the newer version 4.5.2 ! " You can select the version in the Visual Studio instance. I've just never ran into a problem like you described, but I feel your frustration.

I too was bummed out to find VS2010 would not work with frame work 4.5. VS2013 I've become fond of it. I find it easier to use now.

@d.cochran - off topic, but will you post your source code for your POP3 email app please? I saw the DB source code post.


you bet. I will put it up tonight. It uses .net 4.5.1 because of the email component that I found to use. It was built in 4.5.1 so I had to go that route.

Anyway, It will be posted this evening.


Thanks to DJ, and D.Cochran for you quick responses ! I know you guys are busy...

I'm still confused. I may not be asking my question correctly.

I use EZ-Buillder to hook my stuff up, and verify that all parts of the V4 robot are working. The EZB "Connect" object works fine through my WIFI router using ARC without asking for a pass word. Then I disconnect, and exit ARC.

Then, I want to use a Windows Forms User Interface program for the robot - not EX-Builder. I could do this with the V3 micro and Bluetooth using the older version of the SDK.

I connect to the V4 using the WIFI Connection to my router when I power up the V4. That works fine.

Then I want to use the "Connect" object on the GUI program to connect through the router to the V4.

I put the "Connect" object on my VB Windows form using the SDK. I have done this both using the VB toolbox,. and alternatively, by instantiating an instance for the object in code. Both give me the "Connect" object on my form. Both cases preform with the same result.

At this point I don't want to run the ARC GUI - just the VB program using the objects from the SDK..(Again I could do this in V3.)

I power up the robot and V4 connects to my router. I put the IP address in the text box of the Connect GUI object on the VB form and click "Connect". I expect it to try to connect to the V4, as it does in ARC.

It does not. It puts up a message box asking for a password. I can't get past this point and make the connection to the V4.

I don't want to bring up an instance of the ARC program at this point and connect to it. I want to connect to my robot's V4. I don't want a password to connect to a copy of ARC.

Doe this make sense ?

I don't understand the difference in behavior of the "Connect" object in ARC, and the one in the SDK. And the difference is keeping me from being able to connect my program to the V4 robot.

When you say that you will "post" something.....where do you put it ? Where on what site do I look for it ?

Once again - thanks for your attention to this.......




I think DJ already answered that (I might have misunderstood his answer though.)

"2) The EZ-SDK password prompt Is for linking SDK's to ARC instances. The current RC of EZ-SDK has a parameter to enable it. I will post the RC for you today."

See, I took that to mean the RC - release candidate - the current version of the SDK that is downloadable at this very moment - does not have the password parameter in it. So I took what DJ said to mean what you can download now, the SDK from January 2014 is not going to allow you to connect to the v4s. But that he would post or update the SDK so that the connection function to v4s will work. It doesn't look like the new SDK is on the site yet.


Thanks guys ! ----- Justin, DJ, and D.Cochran

Don't have anything which works yet.

Guess I am to wait for a new version of the SDK......

Lets call it resolved.
