is there any way to update the old version instead of this latest version? I need some features of the old version, when I download the old version there is an error: "a more recent version is already installed on this computer" and i can't use it
Related Hardware EZ-B v4
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Yes, that is exactly what I need, when I look through your question I have checked my plugin to build and it really lacks the main Autopositions feature so VS cannot interpret the code and I will need to update Updated version 2015.7.28.0 to use the feature in EZB.SDK (in EZ_B.dll package)
me too, need some features of the old version to build the project and am having this message, i have deleted the new version but cannot update the old version
The class EZ_B.Autoposition exists in the SDK version not in the Synthiam EZ_B so you have 3 options:
Use the old SDK version with a standalone application and don't ask for support (SDK and/or an old ARC versioon) are not supported.
Use Synthiam's EZ_B in a standalone application and implement your AutoPosition version, bear in mind this is not a supported scenario.
Create a plugin for Synthiam's ARC and don't mix old code grabbed from a github old project that uses the old SDK, learn c# .NET and follow the plugin tutorial and learn how to interact with AutoPosition control and other ARC controls/plugins.
It seems you MTP and Joinny are from Vietnam and maybe same person (same type of questions and same writing).
I saw your questions on github and same/similar issues AGAIN.
I wrote a post about Vietnamese support with Msft Cognitive APIS here:
The Auto Position from the old sdk is accessible in synthiam's ARC in this namespace: EZ_Builder.Services.AutoPosition.AutoPositionService