
The Camera Suddenly Disconnected

User-inserted image

Hello, I am having an annoying error with the camera. I was using with the identification for the camera when suddenly an error occurred, the camera disconnected suddenly: Camera Initialized: EZB:// @ 320x240 Error Camera.SetCaptureImage: System.InvalidOperationException: Object is currently in use elsewhere. at System.Drawing.Image.get_Width() at EZ_B.Camera.x5wORRJh49(Object ) Camera Disabled Camera Initialized: EZB:// @ 320x240 EZ-B v4 Camera Error: System.Exception: Client disconnected at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.DwiGDUj2lU(Int32 , Object ) Camera Disabled I connected it 3 times and got that error again. Hope someone can help me? Thank you very much!

Related Hardware EZ-B v4
Related Control Camera Device


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#1   — Edited

Can you share your project? That’ll help me diagnose where the error is coming from. We'll need to know the tracking type and any plugins, etc that are being used to reproduce the error


Sorry for the late reply, but I have some errors that need you to help DJ Sure, you .take a look at my project. When you open it and the connection will receive an error message.  The camera is not as before, but there are some minor errors.ez nhn.EZB Thank you very much!xD


I don’t experience the errors. Can you confirm you’re using the latest ARC version?


Well, you can look through the control actions on AutoPosition to help me, I can't control the robotez nhn.EZB error:  at EZ_Builder.Services.AutoPosition.AutoPositionConfig.GetFrameByGUID(String GUID) at EZ_Builder.Services.AutoPosition.AutoPositionService.dKesP4YEyj(Int32 , Object ) Auto Position (Auto Position 2) Thread Error: System.Exception: Cannot find Frame with GUID: 6b4bc4f5-3594-461f-8f21-1f5212bbf3ac at EZ_Builder.Services.AutoPosition.AutoPositionConfig.GetFrameByGUID(String GUID) at EZ_Builder.Services.AutoPosition.AutoPositionService.dKesP4YEyj(Int32 , Object ) Auto Position (Auto Position 2) Thread Error: System.Exception: Cannot find Frame with GUID: fd490680-0284-4324-b076-a10da3644990 at EZ_Builder.Services.AutoPosition.AutoPositionConfig.GetFrameByGUID(String GUID) at EZ_Builder.Services.AutoPosition.AutoPositionService.dKesP4YEyj(Int32 , Object )


I am still using the old version


I can’t help you until you’re using the current version


yes, I downloaded the latest version, there is an error with my robotic arm actions. When I installed in Auto Position, the arm worked at normal speed but when I worked with speech recognition The arm runs at a very fast speed.ez nhn.EZB. And there are some small bugs of the camera when working with voice recognition, you can check it for me. thank you very much!!!!


I’m sorry. The details provided are not reproducible. There are no issues that can be reproduced.

#9   — Edited

A few things to note...

In the camera control "Tracking Start" script. You have "WAIT FOR FACE". The tracking start script is when the tracking has already been detected. You don't wait for anything inside that script. Remove WAIT FOR FACE. There's some great educational programming lessons at ez-robot. Here's a link: https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/

There's some good tutorials on how to detect faces and such.

The same applies with Speech Recognition. You've also added a bunch of WAIT FOR in the speech recognition. If you're wanting to detect a face. Simply enable face tracking. Don't WAIT FOR anything.