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The First Annual Ezrobot Costume Spooktacular

To celebrate the 'spirit' of ezrobot: Revolution's first Halloween, we're having a costume competition!

The competition is open to all ages and ANY type of robot- not just ezrobots! And here's the best part: the winner will receive $100.00 credit towards the purchase of any ezrobot product. Spooktacular! OoooooOOoOoOOoOooooo!

All you need to do is submit a photo or video (under 5MB please, or no treats for you) of your robot in their best Halloween finery and we'll pick our favorite costume, it's that simple!

You can email your submissions to: Last day for submissions is midnight, October 31st.

What will you dress your robot up as? A Scary Ghost? A Pretty Princess? A Rootin' Tootin' Rodeo Cowboy? It's up to you! But remember, we'll be judging your robot costume on creativity and imagination, so have some fun with your costumes!

Good luck to everyone and Happy Halloween!


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aislinn i like this woewoewoewoe


Nomad, That was a very quick and cool response. Steve S


hi steve

yep just dressed him better.hehe am making a soundboard whit all kinds off sounds. for averyone to download,there is one allreddy one in the cloud.

United Kingdom

If I get chance I may have to throw something together (I have a few ideas floating around in my head) but I need to sort out Halloween for myself first!



its also my first halloween try out.


@nomad18.08 that was awesome! You did that so quickly. Well done! Can you email the video to



@Technopro- For your wall-e? That would be amazing. :D


Get ready! The presentation will be awesome(though short with the 5mb cap)!


Now, does the video have to be uploaded to or can a link be sent?


techno yes send to that email


techno good question.


jdebay thats creepy.i wont come near your house.hehe


@Technopro Just one video per make sure it's AWESOME. ;) You can send the link to!


@nomad18.08 That is an awesome video! I like the blood splatters, very artistic. Nicely done. :D

@jdebay I like yours as well! Shall I send it to contests@ez-robot to enter in the contest for you? :D



the suspence is killing.


@Tech...Love your video editing dude.... good job...:) I have some ideas, but since I have no idea on how to video edit, it would pretty much ruin the outcome...

United Kingdom

Richard, you can submit a photo rather than a video.


@Rich I would but my Halloween idea was my bot impersonating other peoples robots that are on here... Sort of like a stand up comic routine.... My video skills are a bit lacking so it may not come across the way I want it to....being funny that is... Too bad because I had a really good one for imitating Nomad's JD...:P Still, I will keep working on it and you never know...


No, I'm not a robot and this is not an entry into the contest. In the spirit of Halloween, I hope the group will allow me this post. My wheelchair is where I spend my days, but this Halloween my "electric chair" may bring the end of days!

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Love all the videos guys! We have a few days left, so can't wait to see who else steps up! ;)


I would have like to have participated...but alas...I cannot.


I wish that there was a "like" button under the posts ... because Zap's comment is very likeable!


This is awesome! Steve did a wicked video for the Halloween competition. :):)


one possible winner here,hehe

fabulous steve


Wow technopro, great editing and cute idea for a walle costume too!


Loving this pirate robot!

Don't forget there is still 2 full days to enter the competition! Because there have been so many awesome submissions we are adding a prize for the best 2 runner-up videos/photos!

1st place: $100 in ez-credit Runner-up: $50 in ez-credit Runner-up: $50 in ez-credit

It can be a video OR a photo- so feel free to send either to

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Last minute.... I just got the bot together this afternoon and with only 15 minutes of programing to boot... Bare in mind, I suck at videos too.... However, I could have done much better if I had more time...



nice,looks great to me


Looks good, Richard. How do you get the mouth movement?


Hahaha , the road to hell is paved with arduino users! There aren't too many people who understand what that means in the big picture but I horse laughed out loud at 3 am.

And don't worry everyone knows the Halloween contest popped up unexpectedly so improvising is necessary. :)


@bhouston... Used Sound servo (PC) for the mouth movement... Compared to your inmoov it's not that good. Slapping various parts together just isn't working for me anymore... You have shown me the power of a 3d printer... (:

Thanks @Josh... Could have done a better job if I had more time, especially with movements and facial expressions.....

@Dave... Hey, I resent that:P....Besides, I am a much taller....:P


@Richard R. Your mouth movement looked pretty good. I can't get the mouth on my robot to move like that. I am running the sound out of the speakers in the robot. Maybe I have to increase the volume - would that help? What settings do have your's on in the Sound servo configuration?


@bHouston... If you are using sound servo PC, yes sounds like you need more volume (so that the mic on your PC can pick up the sound better)... Or you could buy a Bluetooth mic and attach it on your inmoov itself.... In sound servo I have update speed set at 100 and scalar set at 1.5... Make sure your Jaw has free movement at least 90 deg... More is better


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Love this one from Dan as well! Makes me want to watch Monster's Inc. ;)


Technopro, Great costumes and cool videos.

Richard R, Well said. It was great seeing your Fritz type robot, very interesting.

JDebay, Nice costume with JD on the garden bot. What was the little 2 wheel bot?

Great pirate, and Spooky(Nomad) JD, and Monster.

Stelmobarry, Great, very cool Halloween costume! I read your EZ Robot details page, so many accomplishments, and still very busy! Is this the book that you published?



Haha @Richard R... I am STILL laughing about your video. :D


@aislinn.... If I had more time I had some other ideas too... Like my robot impression of Rich and Jarvis (his house robot) and of course my impression of nomad when he got his JD.... Maybe next year....:)


@RichardR, love your robot and video! This robot does not have a project page does it?


@Justin... thanks man. Sorry dude, no project page.... He really is a smorgasbord of parts... I just stated programing him... I like the fritz head which uses 13 servos for face and head movements and expressions... More work with the auto positioner will really make him come alive so to speak...:)


I've never seen the fritz head before. It looks pretty cool!


Another awesome one by Polk State Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School STEM Research Scholars... long name!



Do we have the results yet? Just checking I didn't miss something.


i thought the results where comming thismorning?


Hey guys! Just so you know- we have not forgotten! We are just debating the last spot here. We will update you ASAP. ;)


Lol, the suspense ! Good job to everyone. I HOPE that EZ Robot continues these kinds of contests for the holidays , it really brings out some creativity and I am sure it will even more next year !


Oh don't you worry @jstarne... we LOVE doing them. ;)