Asked — Edited

So....I Bit The Bullet And Purchased An Ultimate Wall-E

300.00 shipped....with remote.

ive studied the tear down pics. and i think there are a totla of 8 motors.....

i know if i use the motor controllers from DJ's store they only control 2 motors at a time and take up 5 ports on the ezb....

i think i can only put a max of 2 maybe 3 motor controlers on 1 EZB, right?

that gives me 4 maybe 6 motors....what do you guys think is the best way of avoiding putting 2 ezbs in the ultimate wall-e

Reason i m trying to do this, is because it will be awesome to keep all the originalmovement but to have ultimate control via a xbox 360 controller.

What is the best way to go about this...

one last of the motors int eh neck is a flat circle motor....a stepper motor? maybe ? not sure....ill post a pic soon....maybe you guys/ 1 gal can confirm is the ezb can power it.

thanks guys and 1 gal


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Congrats on your find! A tad expensive, IMHO. I got my Ultimate Wall-E for about half that. And before anyone asks; no, I'm not planning on modifying it. I'd wanted one for a long time as-is for my collection. :P

Did you happen to get the iPod/MP3 player holder with yours? I'm looking for the one that comes with the Ultimate Wall-E if you have no use for yours. Let me know!

As for number of motor controllers you can use with the EZ-B, looks like they're already talking about that HERE! So check out that link.


In the interactive Wall-E I used 6 servos total. No motor controllers required.

(1) Continuous 360 servo - Left Track Drive (1) Continuous 360 servo - Right Track Drive (1) Micro servo - Left Arm (Up/Down) (1) Micro servo - Right Arm (Up/Down) (1) Micro servo - Head (Up/Down) (1) Standard servo - Neck (Left/Right)

To me anything more is a creative bonus.

P.S. I'm not sure of the difference between the Ultimate and Interactive, but assume they are somewhat similar.


Thanks for the link, yeah I debated it for a long ass time but I just wanted it. I wish I was into this stuff in 08 back when he was 180 retail. Anywho. It did not cone with the mp3 holder. Sucks.

Lumpy - this wall is is like 3 tunes The size. I the wheels are huge and the motors work well. Also, already does a body tilt to.

And yeah I want to jeep the Modding to min.

If I can just " take control of existing motors he would be perfect. Then I would just make the front battery chest plate a small LCD, saw a video on YouTube.

I'm off to do more reaseach. Thanks for the fast replays.

Sorry for typing. On my cell.


Wow, found some pics. He is a big sucker.

If the treads are run off individual motors I'd just add a 2.5A motor controller to take charge of them.

Should still be able to use servos (Standard instead of micro) for arms, head, neck.

You'll just have more room to play with than us with the meager Interactive units. ;-)

Best of luck, post lots of pics!


Nice! I have wanted an ultimat wall-e for a while... just so expensive, i'm jealous:)

I know it might seem intimidating at first to modify the chassis with servos, but i suggest it. Adding motor controllers will allow movement, but not specified positions. Servos will give your robot a personality by allowing you to create dance routines and specific positions, etc.:)



see i didnt know that..... ok cool ill leave the motors in the wheels but replace everything else.... hmmm......

i think im going to finish up my mini wall e first then build my r2 with body tild and 3rd leg movement...before i "destroy" this awesome robot.


Since you brought the subject up DJ next on list stepper motors. Give you the positions and with encoders the amount of revolutions.


you basterd i was the other one that bid on it.:) Take a lot of picture so i can look how you do it:) Hope to see an other really soon.


Ha! we need to communicate. Would have let you had it atthe 200mark.

Anywho! Been thinking some. I figure 4 servos for each arm. This will give me full control of each hand. Up down. In out. Hand rotation and finger grips, whaaaaaaaaaaaat!

im doing this.

I also have great ideas for r2s body tilt. Projector in dome. Retrqctable 3rd leg. Dope!


Guys, I just nabbed an Ultimate Wall-e (No remote) from eBay for...$81.00!!!!!

I AM SO PSYC'ED !!!!!!!

(I thought about whether or not I should gloat, but I am so damn excited, I couldn't hold it in. I apologize.)

Now if only I could get my replacement ping sensor from EZB, I could start prototyping my plan!!!! Hint Hint



Cyberdude i don't wanna disapoint you but if you watch closely it are pictures of the wall-e u command. I followed that bid to... But also for a u-command it's cheap !!


Well, it was advertized as 17" tall. Guess we'll see. Money back for misleading advertizement otherwise.

Like I said, we'll see.


Hope you do get the Ultimate Wall-E and that's a steal of a price if you did! IMHO, a bit pricey for a U-Command Wall-E, but I guess with eBay as it is jacking up the prices it's not as bad as it could have been!;)


what did the pic look like.....can yuo post a pic so i cans see?

lol i think we all want it to be the real ultimate wall-e!!!


Here is a picture of the bid and a picture of the wall-e.

User-inserted image

User-inserted image


Sorry man. That's a u command. Sucks!!!


You know, come to think of it, I think I remember this photo from a previous auction, and it was for a u-command. Well, if it is, and the seller gives me any grief, I'll simply go to PayPal and eBay forum. He has a 100% rating, I'm sure he doesn't want to risk that with a misrepresented sale.


if i buy a robot over $100 i would restore it to add to my super robot collection ,like the heathkit hero jr and hero one paid $480 for one and $560 for the other and just bought another hero jr for $300 for parts to restore my hero jr, whats left over is the shell ,motors and frame so will use EZB for it
but thats only way i would pay and use it for EZB


thanks for thatt info, ROBOTMAKER!!!!!

Any one listen to Kevin and bean on Kroq?




Cyberdude, yeah im sure you'll be fine...never had a prob with paypal..and good sellers.


yeah i never had a problem with sellers and paypal and ebay too


Well, the box came this morning, and as soon as I saw it, I knew what I had...a "U-command", not an "Ultimate". eyeroll

Oh well. I contacted the seller and explained the grossly misrepresented item. I'll let you know how that goes;)


make shore they pay to ship it back,sometimes they dont.they did it to me on a item and i contacted ebay and they got my shipping back


Will do. I made it clear that since the misrepresented the sale so badly, that I expected them to eat the shipping. (both directions!)


Already heard back. Guy didn't know what he was selling, was told by whomever supplied it to him that it was an "Ultimate". Is refunding everything including shipping, both directions.

A bummer, but will wash out in the end.


I agree about the Heathkit Hero.. I am going to gut mine, install the Ez Robot controller and the ez robot arm I think that should really bring it into the "modern world"

United Kingdom

Anyone know were I could get a remote for a programmable wall e from


@oizee, ebay or may be your friend when searching for the wall-e remote.