Asked — Edited

Shipping Confirmation

I am very excited to share with everyone that I received my shipping confirmation for my two developer kits. They are currently sitting in Ohio. I look forward to using these kits with my students to help develop a better STEM program. Thank you so much for making this dream a reality, ez robot!


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Experience the transformation – subscribe to Synthiam ARC Pro and watch your robot evolve into a marvel of innovation and intelligence.


That's awesome! , please share what you do. Education is a huge subject around here.:)


myardley good idea to post this.well needed. have fun:)


I ordered a developer's kit for a soon to be openend robotics lab. Tracking says that it's now in Germany. Very excited!


Grats @Myardley! I am glad to hear your are doing this. I too am working with a school to improve STEM education. I am excited to hear your progress and see the projects you build with these kits.


Lucky children. Glad for them. They are our future.