
Servos Not Responding

I have been using the "Oculus Quest Robot" Skill with an Arduino Uno and a PCA9685 breakout board connected via I2C for a few months now.  Everything had been working great.  I transferred all of my electronics to a new robot platform and now, none of the servos will move.  The PCA9685 board has power, the servo rail on the PCA9685 has power, the Arduino is showing that it is sending the PWM signal (indicated by the TX/RX light flashing when I adjust the servo min/max).  I have tried using the basic "Horizontal Servo" skill and I get the same results, no servo movement.  I have tried multiple Arduino boards as well as multiple servo shields, same results, I have replaced all of the hookup wires in a desperate attempt as well, same results.  I tried hooking a servo directly to the Arduino board, uploaded the correct firmware, and the servo moves with no issue.  The issue seems to be in the way that the Arduino board is sending the pwm signal to the PCA9685.  Unfortunately, I do not have an oscilloscope to verify the signal.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!?

Related Hardware PCA9685 Servo Controller
Related Control Oculus Quest Robot


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Ironically there's another thread discussion about those PC9685 controllers. A few different implementations have differences that require some addition to the code.

This page has a new firmware created by Miller that works with generic pca9685 controllers:

Give it a try - read his comments because there might need to be slight alterations to the code for specific servo PWM ranges.