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Roomba , Robosapien, Johnny 5, B9, rad 2.0, Buster, trilobot, hearoid, omnibot, omnibot2000, robie Jr, Robie Sr, Hero, roboquad, mr personality, wall-e, Robotni-I, Spykee , I-Sobot tomy, program-a-bot, r2-d2, nao robot, desk pets , g robots , g dog , bioloid, sphero,

Are these suggestions you were looking for??


We cant forget about Data ;)


Lost in Space simply had " Robot" and my favorite Robots of all time from the classic scifi Movie "Silent Running" were called Huey, Duey and Loui. (I'm not sure about the spelling)


My first one I'm building here is Tinker. Because I'm always tinkering with it ... LOL


Huey, Duey , Luey or is it . . . Louie, Lewy, Luwee . . .

Oh, Hazbot has already said that. . .

RB5-X, Hero1-2000, NoVag by Gavon, GORT, B9.



Oh, BTW, Hazbot, there is a site total devoted to building Huey,Dewy,Louie. And, they are made from either Styrofoam or balsa-wood, or regular wood. They seem really cost effective to build. You could slap the three of them together at hardly any cost. You could put the EZB in all of them and you would have the whole family.

except Farrah Faucet.


That's what I want, a Farrah Fawcett Robot - Now your talkin Movie Maker You can have H, D & L


:) :) :)