South Africa
Asked — Edited

New Cable

DJ can you guys make special port for the ping distance sensor and a new cable that only connects to the new port on the EZ-B just like the new camera's cable. The cable must be white and 4 wired. confused


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United Kingdom

I doubt they will be adding any new ports to the design since it is already in manufacturer.

You can easily make one with JST crimps or if you don't have a crimper just use 4 female to female jumpers, slide some heatshrink over it all to make it white.

On mine I just used 2 accessory cables, snipped off the end and wires I didn't need, joined them to 4 female jumpers and wrapped the lot in heatshrink, it was a 5 minute job and looks great.


sorry, that is something we cannot do. The circuit board and parts are being manufactured and assembled for delivery. Additionally, there is no more room in pins caring the I/O from the bottom board to the top. The EZ-B v4 is absolutely maxed with functionality based on it's size.


@boys when you get your board we can help you hook up your ping sensor. It's not as difficult as you would think. Are you just trying to consolidate wires?


If you want to spend the money you can buy srf05 devantech ping sonars... They only use 3 wire... The trigger and echo use the same pin... They work perfect with any of the 3 pin digital ports on the ezb...