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My Ez-B Turns Off After About A Minute

Hello, I am having issues with my EZ-B. I have gone through the Tutorials several times and I have even searched in YouTube to find help. But I can't find the answer, so Here I am. 1-My computer and my EZ-B connect on COM4 and the battery pack is full... 2-When I try to follow the steps in the Tutorial Videos nothing happens. 3-I connect the cables as follow; the brown wire to Grd pin; the red in the 5v pin and the orange color into the right pin marked Ext PWR. 4-About a minute or so into the process the EZ-B disconnects from the blue tooth and the White LED turns OFF.


Thank you


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Where are you plugging in your servo?

User-inserted image

Try hooking it up like this:

User-inserted image


Yes connect just like he said. FYI that pin that is closest to the outer edge is the signal wire. The ext pwr label near the power led just refers to that particular row where the inner pin is ground and the outer one is power. No signal wire next to it so it's just a label for the row.


If you are sure the batteries are okay... feel the 2 black regulators and see if they are hot, when it turns off.

  1. Also, do you have the EZ-B on a conductive surface?

  2. Can you post a picture of the bottom of your EZ-B?

  3. Does the status LED turn off when it's just sitting there not connected to anything?

  4. Does ARC lock up when the LED turns off?

  5. Are there any messages in the DEBUG window? (Add Control -> General -> Debug)

United Kingdom

If you are connecting the servos etc. in correctly, how much do you have plugged in, and what is plugged in? It could possibly be drawing too much power and browning out?

Also, what are you using to power it? Type of battery, voltage, capacity etc? Are the voltage regulators getting hot?

Generally as much info as possible always helps diagnose.

United Kingdom

ARC locking up and not re-connecting sounds like what happened to me when my batteries were dead, or near dead. As soon as it drew a current for the servos it would brown out.

I've had so many packs of dud AA batteries, even good name brand batteries, they are fine for TV remotes etc. but put a heavy load on them and they don't want to know.

What I would do is find an old AC adaptor for a DVD player or something similar that's between 5 and 17v and has the right connector on the end (and is wired the right way around, I should add) plug it in, add only 1 servo and check it works, that will rule in or out the batteries. I had an old DVD player which had the perfect power supply.


Weird. Mine must be an early production model. My EZ-B 3.0 is missing R1, C1 and D1 is connected differently. It worked though....well...until recently.


Are you using ARC in a virtual machine?

Does this happen if there are no servos or anything connected to the EZ-B? For example, can you...

a) disconnect all servos b) connect to EZ-B from ARC c) add servo Control, press config and set for D0 d) move the servo slider

Will it still disconnect?

  1. From the debug message, i do not feel it is an issue with the EZ-B. If you were to send it back to us, i am confident it would work correctly. I'm curious of what you are experiencing...

  2. maybe one of the servos is damaged and is causing the EZ-B to brown-out.

I'm kind of leaning toward #2

United Kingdom

You would know if you are using a virtual machine, well I'd like to think so. Running Windows and EZB within a different OS (or even Windows) using Virtual Box, Parallels, VMWare, QEMU, Windows Virtual PC...

United Kingdom

Windows 8 wont be the problem.

All I can see it pointing to is two things;

  1. A faulty servo (or more than one if you are really unlucky)
  2. Inadequate power supply

From your pictures it's pretty safe to say it's more likely to be number 1 not number 2.

Did you try it with no servos attached? And then add one, test, etc.?

If it needs exchanging use the Contact Us link (which I think has automatically been applied to this post).


So, if you can get the wheels to turn that means your communicating with the EZ-B. Is your blue LED staying light now?


I'm not the best person to help but it sounds like something is causing a current spike when those commands are made. Not normal. Originally you said that it would disconnect after running a minute. Is that with no servos running? Have you tried with standard servos?


hehe I wish I could. There are better people than I helping you. I'm sure when they get the chance they will get back with you. Sorry you're having trouble. I myself am too so I'm getting a new one to compare against.


@IAmTheOne, i understand your frustration - but please respect others and refrain from typing in capital letters.

Does the EZ-B disconnect when nothing is connected to it? For example, can you pretend there are servos plugged in, but do not actually plug them in. Simply configure the software to use ports as if they were plugged in.

Operate the EZ-B with absolutely nothing plugged in except power and use ARC with modified servo controls like you were doing.

Does it still disconnect?


Welcome to the EZ Robot community. Do you have a digital volt/ohm meter "Iamnoone"? I see the direction of DJs trouble shooting question. Somthing you can do while performing his suggestion is you can monitor your voltage and watch it to see if there is a drop right before the Bluetooth disconnects from the pwr pin and ground pin ( not singal pin this will not play a role) on any of the servo pins. Unpugging all the servos and running ezb will give you the opportunity to see what the voltage is coming off the power pins (should be 5 volts) without a current draw. Do this test and it will tell us the next logical step to pinpoint your disconnect issue.;)


:) I wasn't offended. I had a chuckle.:)


No offence taken by me either. I understand your frustration.

Sometimes people use caps all the time or at inappropriate times. Others see this as yelling or being rude. Personally it's hard to read and (right or wrong on my part) when I see a person doing this a lot I think the person unnecessarily is being a jurk. You didn't come across like this to me.

I wish I had an answer or method for you to get your board working. It almost seems like there is a lack of power or there is something on the board that's shorting to ground. It could be something way beyond your control to fix it or at least find the problem. Something like a bad cap or cold or cracked solder joint. Maybe something as simple but very hard to find as a trace on the board flashing over to another trace. Josh gave you one test to perform and I hope you are able to find something through it. When trouble shooting and testing "Always" disconnect everything from the problem board and keep it on a non conductive, static free surface. However judging from your video and use of the other "board that must not be named" and starting with an A you seem to know at least the basics.

Perhaps it time to either get another board or contact EZ B through their support page for help? Maybe it's time to send it back to them to look it over or replace.

If you trust a member of this forum and they are willing perhaps you can send your board to them to confirm your troubles or maybe even try to find the problem. I'd be happy to accept the challenge. I'm no expert and cant really find a hidden problem on this little wonder but would be happy to hook it up here and at least see if it's working or has any problems I can see with my eyes. I could run a few limited tests and compare to my working boards. This may or may not tell me anything. If I find anything I could either repair, resolder or forward it to EZ Robot for them to replace or repair for you. LMK

Just a few ideas. Hope you can work this out.