Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Moving ARC And Robot To New Wifi Network.

I'm moving a robot with 3 EZB's controlled through ARC on a laptop to a completely different WIFI network. I had everything running correctly on the first network with ARC on the laptop communicating nicely to the EZB's in the robot. They are in Client mode.

My question, Is there a simple way to get the EZB's to attach to a new WIFI network without doing a reset on them? I'd like to be able to get into their web interface and make the network name and password changes directly if possable.

The reason I don't want to do an ezb reset is because two of them are hard to access.


Related Hardware EZ-B v4


Upgrade to ARC Pro

With ARC Pro, your robot is not just a machine; it's your creative partner in the journey of technological exploration.


OK. maybe I'm slow or overthinking. LOL.

Maybe it will be as easy as clicking on the Discover button in the Connection control and letting ARC search for the EZB's broadcast signal.

#2   — Edited

An ez-robot ezb v4 can't be scanned for if it isn't connected to a wifi network

  1. You'll have to keep the original wifi network online, connect to the web browser settings of each ezb, and change them to the new wifi network.

  2. Connect to the web browser config of each ezb on the original network, and press the option to reset the ezb. There's a reset to defaults button in the newer /2 ezb's

  3. Press the reset button on the ezb and start from scratch

The ez-robot ezb needs a wifi network to access the configuration screen because that's how the network works. It needs an IP address which requires a wifi connection, if that makes sense?


Thanks so much @ DJ. Just what I needed to know.

Attaching to the old network is not an option at this point. So, I guess a reset is called for.


I have been want to try this.

Instead of AP mode on the first EZB can I attach it directly with USB to an onboard Rock Pi X and still Wifi to the other EZB's with them in client mode?


No - that would be neat if you could.

If you're considering USB, then make them all usb. They'd each need a USB UART adapter, but that's easier to maintain than a bunch of wifi networks.


Ugh. After reading the EZ Robot site I figured this was the case. All my EZB's are in different levels of the robot that spin and bob. I really don't want to run cables through those areas. Wifi seemed like the best answer at the time. Then I kept reading about the USB connection directly to a computer being the fastest and most stable. I was hoping to take advantage.

Looks like I need to brainstorm this. Maybe an onboard router also but the EZB could do that from what I see.


Yeah, the ezb would do the same as an onboard router and use less power.


@DJ. This maybe a dumb question; hoping you can help with my confusion about your post#4. using a mesh network.  I’m using 2 Wi-Fi’s one on my rock pi x and USB wifi for my second wifi connection.

Can I use my second wifi to connect to the internet and can the wifi EZB’s also use my first wifi internet connection?

Hope this makes sense.

thanks in advance.



Instead of AP mode on the first EZB can I attach it directly with USB to an onboard Rock Pi X and still Wifi to the other EZB's with them in client mode?
I tried this and it works. As of now I have one EZB connected to Rock Pi through a laptops USB Com Port to ARC and one IoTiny attached to it ARC over Wifi. Seems to work. I need to do more tests with higher robot demand.

@Merne, I tried to use the mesh network as shown in post # 4 (and also suggested on EZ Robot's web site). I found that if more then one EZB is attached to the first EZB being used as a router the EZB's wont stay properly assigned to the proper slot in the connection control in ARC. To explain further, the original assigned IP address remains in the ARC's communication slot but a different EZB will be used there instead. The result is ARC will play the scripts for a different EZB rather then the one assigned to that slot (and EZB number).

DJ said this is because the EZB's don't have the ability to remember the ID's of multiple EZB's connected to it as a router like a real router can. He suggested just using a real router.

My comment is, using one EZB as a router to create a mesh network by connecting other EZB's to the first is awesome idea. However doing this is useless if they can't stay assigned to the proper scripts and controls in ARC.

EZ Robot should remove this ability from their website or at least describe the limits of using this feature.

#12   — Edited

Thanks DJ.



To explain further, the original assigned IP address remains in the ARC's communication slot but a different EZB will be used there instead. The result is ARC will play the scripts for a different EZB rather then the one assigned to that slot (and EZB number).
I have not tried mesh network yet using WiFi on the 1st EZB in AP mode, then connecting my other 2 EZB’s in client mode connected to the 1st ESB. Then using my my 2nd WiFi to my home router for internet yet.

@Dave. Thank  you for your feedback it my save me a lot of headaches not to mention broken parts.  I’m going to wait for more info from DJ.

I’m wondering if you can assign an IP address for each EZB in client mode so they will use the same IP address every time reconnecting to the EZB in  AP mode?


edit: never mind, you can’t assign an up address using client mode.:(

#13   — Edited

@Merne, When in client mode I think your network router assigns the IP addresses. I'm no network guru so don't take my word. LOL.

As of now, in my robot, I have two V4 EZB's connected to my onboard Rock Pi X through USB and an IoTiny in client mode connected to my home network. In ARC the two V4's are connected through COM 3 & 4 and the IoTiny is connected over my home Wifi network. All are working great together like this. I probably should get a WIFI dongle for the Rock Pi x and switch the IoTiny over to AP mode and get me totally off my home network. I still need to add one more v4 EZB down in the leg section of B9. I may connect this last EZB through USB also but I'd need to run the cable through sections of the robot that twist and turn.

What fun!! I love this stuff.


I woke up with another idea this morning.

Since it seems like the V4 EZB can only keep track of one other EZB without losing track of them I think I'll try this with my 4 EZB's (three v4's and one IoTiny). This would keep the wiring limited between the Rock Pi X and the EZB's. Also it would keep wires from running through bobbing and weaving joints and everything off my home network router:

*I already have two V4's attached to the Rock Pi X through USB located at the top of my 6 foot B9 Robot. *I'll put the third v4 into AP mode and connect it to the Rock Pi X. I'll need a Wifi dongle so the Rock Pi X can still connect to the internet when needed. *I'll put the IoTiny into Client mode and connect it to the third EZB V4 that is in AP mode.

I'm looking forward to see how this configuration works.




@Merne, When in client mode I think your network router assigns the IP addresses. I'm no network guru so don't take my word. LOL.
That is correct.  However, on my route I can assign each IP address for each ezb so it uses the same ip for each ezb without having to discover them all over again.

I did put one ezb in ap mode then connect the other EZBs to it using client mode other other EZBs.  Even saved my ARC settings after a reboot the EZBs in client mode got the wrong ip’s for each ezb.

I’m going to replace them all and with Arduino’s.  It’s a hassle but it should be more stable setup.

As you said, what fun.:)


You can use DHCP on most routers or a static IP thats assigned by MAC address.

I have a separate router for my robots with a different SSID than home mesh. This way when I take them out I can just set my SSID and password on my phone to same as router and robots all work.

I agree on hard wire as much as possible and only use one wifi connection to robot as you limit possible interference. I think robots should always be able to act autonomously when possible so if they do lose connection to outside they at least have enough smarts to shut down on their own.

arduinos are great cheap alternative to EZB just not as easy to wire up especially if you don’t have a shield. They don’t handle a lot of servos very well though so for my complex robots with large DoF I stick with EZBs and serial coms

#17   — Edited

If you have one EZB in AP Mode and the other EZB's in client mode and pointing to the first as a connection point (access point) your home network router is no longer in the picture. If this is the case the home router will not handle the EZB's even if you have previously set them up in it with a static IP addresses. The EZB does not remember IP addresses of devices continually connecting to it or has the ability to set static IP addresses.

To get EZBs set in client mode to connect to a AP mode EZB you needed to go into the client mode EZBs Web interface and point them to the AP mode EZB's SSID.

Like mentioned before a V4 EZB or IoTiny set in AP mode can't remember IP addresses between shutdowns so each time a set of devices connect to the AP mode EZB it will reassign new IP addresses. This mucks up how the client mode EZB's are handled in ARC because it uses set and stored IP addresses from the setup process to ID each EZB.

I have successfully set up three EZB v4/2's and one IoTiny in my B9 like I had planned in post #14 above. It works beautifully. Only the Rock Pi X has access to my home network for internet connection. I shut down my internet connection for the ROCK Pi and everything still runs and connects perfectly between the EZB's, SBC and ARC. I'm thrilled. The only drawback is that if I ever lose internet connectivity the ARC Skills that depend on it like Bing Voice Recognition will not work. That sucks because VR is how I mostly control my robot.

By only having one EZB in client mode connect to the one EZB in AP mode there is no wrong IP assigning issues. The AP mode EZB will always assign a IP address to the client mode device connecting to it one number higher. For example the default IP AP mode address of a EZB is The first device that connects to it at bootup will be assigned

Wouldn't it be wonderful if EZ Robot would release a new version of the EZB with the ability to remember IP addresses of previously connected devices like a real router does? The ability to add static IP addresses would be a bonus. EZ Robot contacted me last week asking for money to help generate new revenue so they could expand and upgrade their offerings. They said in the email I could "Own a part of EZ Robot". Hopefully they will be successful in finding this needed revenue and implement a upgrade to the EZB to be able to remember IP addresses.;)

#18   — Edited

Thank you both for your feedback.  I’m going to leave on EZB4 AP and one IoTiny in client mode. The rest will us an USB Arduino’s connected to my Rock Pi X.


EZ Robot contacted me last week asking for money to help generate new revenue so they could expand and upgrade their offerings. They said in the email I could "Own a part of EZ Robot
Curious how much ez-robot would need ; maybe crowdfunding?  Unless Dave was jesting.:)


No not jesting. here's the text of th emessage:

Exclusive Invitation to Own a Piece of EZ-Robot Hello David,

I wanted to take a moment to offer you a unique opportunity - to own a piece of EZ-Robot.

EZ-Robot is the world’s most powerful, versatile, and easy-to-use robotics platform, and we’re giving our community, supporters and educators a chance to invest in the company.

Within the next couple of months, we’ll publicly announce a crowdfunding campaign to raise $1.2 Million. This capital will allow EZ-Robot to develop exciting new products and hardware, create new projects and curricula, as well as accelerate our impact worldwide. Forecasts are projecting very strong growth in the robotics industry over the coming decade. By investing in EZ-Robot, you will own part of that growth.

If you’re interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity, register below, and we’ll send you more information.

LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Thank you to all of you who have supported us with your enthusiasm and passion over the few years. On behalf of the entire EZ-Robot Team, I’m excited to provide you with an opportunity to share in our future.





Please Note: We won’t be sending out additional emails about this investment opportunity, until we are about to launch so if you’re interested in learning more, it’s important to click the link above to receive more information.


I don't have any information about the survey or new products. I'm guessing Jeremie has some new hardware goodies planned?


I am guessing @jeremie is under NDA or he would have shared. We know he reads all the threads.

@DJ when you created ez-robot there was nothing on the market like it. Now the market is pretty flooded with educational robots. This will be a hard market to expand in now.

if I was going to jump in I would probably partner with someone who has a solid software robotics platform so I am not reinventing the wheel. From a hardware perspective there has been a lot of evolution.

Primary core  I would probably base my design on a primary core on ESP chips and a low powered low cost CPU. They are cheap and DIY can always run basic arduino code on ESP if they want. Problem is they are hard to wire for a novice. Especially when you have device conflicts and spaghetti wiring on bread boards.

Secondary cores I would then have Secondary cores that are just ESPs and an interface to connect peripherals.

No wires   I would probably look at models like clic bots, these are garbage and break easily but the concept of no wires is good. Even today I still plug cables in back to front on an EZ-B and spend time finding and reconnecting wires that come unplugged.

Peripherals For peripherals I think a common bus backplane would be ideal with an open interface that any peripheral can connect with. Why do I have to wire in a sensor like a LIDAR it should just magnetic connect and all the wires are magnetic and only connects one way.  For a servo same thing just magnetic attach and attach another one to the first one. Sure allow for thumb screws etc for a more permanent connection but this needs to just snap on to play.

Smart Peripherals I would put unique identifiers on each peripheral so the primary core knows what devices are installed and appropriate skills to load. we can also use this to know if we have genuine or fake components (blockchain)

Batteries Batteries are important and need to be sized for the project so I would give each core and peripheral a number. I would have a battery module with a number on it so you just add up the numbers on the peripherals and add battery modules so their total numbers are higher than all the peripherals. Since peripherals are smart we can have the core compute if we have enough battery modules to power robot.

Robot if you can make a primary core, secondary cores, magnetic battery / expansion modules so you just add additional sensors, actuators and peripherals as you need them. They all talk back via the bus (or wirelessly for simple robots) to the primary core.

open standard  I would then publish an open standard and 3D printed connectors so third party companies can join my eco system.  Yeah others will copy your primary and secondary cores but the software could be locked down to only work with your core devices.


I was today years old when I finally understood the whole connect to one EZ-B in AP mode and others can be connected through it via client mode.  This is an amazing option!

#24   — Edited

I agree. I just wish there were a way to use this option with more then one EZB in client mode attaching to the AP mode EZB. Like mentioned above the AP mode EZB cant remember previously attached devices and gets them mixed up at the next power up. Still it's a really cool feature although limited.

#25   — Edited

Hi Nink,

Just got back from my farm, as a retired businessman, I was surprised to see no one commented on your post

A business plan to move ahead, what a concept, lol


Hi @EzAng. Thanks, Great to hear you have retired. More time for robotics. I just retired as a CTO and IT Architect. Free at last to stay at home and annoy my wife.

At 55 and I am probably ready for a new adventure but throwing my life savings on a startup is a hard pill to swallow.

The crowd funding model is interesting and there are a lot of robotics projects on kickstarter and gofundme but the successful projects are extremely polished so you really need angel investment in order to build a decent prototype and protect IP first.


Hi Nink, I retired many years ago. I learned, retiring for my corporation, real work began for me.  :-)


Quote - At 55 and I am probably ready for a new adventure but throwing my life savings on a startup is a hard pill to swallow.


David, I’m just now reading the older post, but I have a possible solution for you. As you know, I’m also using multiple EZ-Bs in my B9. I plan to have my primary EZ-B (what I’ll call 1st EZB) setup as in AP mode. Of course my computer will log into it. The 1st EZB since it is in AP mode is always assigned Node 0 in ARC. The 2nd EZB will then log into the 1st EZB and be assigned Node 1. The 3rd EZB is going to have a delay relay on its power line with about a 1 second delay. So when the robot’s power is turned on, the 3rd EZB will always log in after the 2nd, thus always getting assigned Node 2. Here’s the delay relay I’m planning on using: I should have this all setup this weekend and I’ll let you know how it turns out.

#29   — Edited

@jsale, that's an interesting idea. I'm excited to see how it works out.

From what I can understand you are letting the second EZB power up at the same time and connect through client mode to the first (that is in AP mode). Then the third will physically power on after a delay (in client mode) and connect to the first AP mode EZB after the second one is connected hoping the IP address will stay the same at each power up?

This should work if the first AP mode EZB always assigns the EZB that powers up (in client mode) at the same time the same IP number each time.

Have fun!


So this worked, sort of. The AP client EZB always gets IP address since it is the router and does the assigning of addresses. The leg EZB, which is the one I have the delay relay on (set for delay of 10 seconds) always gets it is always the last device to log into the AP. The issue is now which device gets logged in 2nd the brain EZB or the computer. So I’m going to have to add a delay relay to the brain EZB and put a delay (guessing 5 seconds should work) so the computer always logs in first, and get, then the brains would get and finally the legs, getting



What if you go into the router and assign a static IP address to each? That the Computer and the "brain" EZB would always get the same IP?

This would work if you always use the same router. However If you ever travel or get a new router then you would have to reassign the static IP's.


What if you put a little affordable $20 router in it? Probably cheaper than the power delay hardware? I know you’re USA but I bet routers are even cheaper than canada

like this: TP-Link N300 WiFi Router (TL-WR841N) - 2 x 5dBi High Power Antennas, Supports Access Point, WISP, Up to 300Mbps

then you could use dhcp reservation for each ezbs


I thought about using static addresses on my router David, and had the same concern about traveling.  That's why I went with the AP mode.


DJ Sures, that's just what I think we needed ! I'll take a look at your new skill. Thanks.


Sorry about this DJ, but it's been awhile since I've done an update and tried adding new skills, but I seem to have a issue finding the new skill.  I have version 2023.06.09.00 installed, but I don't see the skill in General Skills.


@DJ, the Connect by Name skill is a really cool idea. Thanks!