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Motor Control

Hello everyone! I have a question about the type of motor that the EZ-B can control - can it be used to control an Omron AC servomotor (100W, 200 V, 3000 rpm)? Thanks!


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I'm not good at understanding questions but heres what I know.

ez-b can only control servos(modified or 180) the ez-b's voltage is 5-6V per port. h-bridge is required to run anything else other than a servo. Rich will be able to answer that well.


Hi, Check out these relay boards

they are actually for Arduino, but I use them controlling items on my PC controlled model train layout. They are triggered by 5v TTL the sames as the digitals on the EZB, you just need to be careful not to connect the ezb to the same terminals as the external power supply on the board and or the outputs.

The 5v digital signals are optically Isolated, - basically there is an air gap between the two sides of the board control signals so no control signals can back feed or load your EZB or Arduino etc.

The board is broken into three isolated electronic circuits, 1 circuit is the digital ins optically isolated, the second is the 5v control supply that operates the relays - this is a separate supply to the EZB supply. Then there is the individual relays them selves that can handle 250VAC at 10 amps.

These boards are robust top notch boards, at 6pounds or $11 dollars Australian on ebay they are great value for 8 relay outputs.

Just be careful to get the exact model I have shown, there are two models and one does not isolate the 5 V TTL from the 5 volt control so it loads up the digital inputs.

If you want an electrical hookup drawing let me know

One of these relays is more than capable of driving your omron motor.
