Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Monitor PC Voltage

Anyone know of a good way to monitor power of the battery and feed voltage into ARC so I know when PC Is about to die?  I monitor Power of EZB but I can't monitor power PC has.  I share the same 12v battery for PC, Servo's EZB etc  but I keep voltage at 7.5v for EZB with a voltage regulator and for the PC I use a step up converter.  Step up converter starts to fail around 10.5v but EZB is still happy and doesn't record a voltage drop.  End Result is PC on robot dies without making it back to dock on time to recharge battery.

Note: I used prevent PC sleep as question but really it is pc shutdown due to no power.  I selected Rock PI X but using NUC but assume relevant.

Related Hardware Rock Pi X
Related Control Prevent PC Sleep


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I don’t think you need to set up. The rock pi x only requires 5 volts.

The ezb adc port can monitor the voltage of you decide to continue using the step up. You’ll need a voltage divider circuit and voila:)


I only had choice to select Rock PI (yes maybe a bad selection)  but as per comment I am using a NUC and that is 19v


Oh and the nuc needs 11v? Won’t run off 5?

then voltage divider to ARC it is


Not my area of expertise, but don't voltage dividers lose a lot of power to waste heat compared to a buck converter?  I imagine for a micro computer you don't need to worry too much about not being able to pull enough amps.


#6   — Edited

Today I have the following 12 volt battery driving the EZB with a voltage regulator that reduces voltage to 7.5v because my servo's run at 7.5v.  I have a Boost converter to PC that increases voltage to 19v because the NUC prefers 19v.  The NUC will die when voltage drops below 14v especially when using Cameras etc.  So what I need is a way to measure the voltage coming into the PC to know when it drops below say 16 volts so the Robot knows to go back to the charger.

User-inserted image

#7   — Edited

You need a voltage divider LOL

no current is being consumed. Make a voltage divider with the link I found and pasted for you. Connect it to ezb adc


OK Now I get it thanks. @DJ  I didn't realize you were proposing divide the voltage so it is less than 5vDC so the ADC could read it. @Proteusy thanks for the link to the Arduino code. that could work if it gets stuck and can't make it home in time.

Keeping a robot alive 24/7 is certainly an interesting problem.


Thanks Question Closed.  Appreciate the help.


lol thank goodness. I was feeling like a broken record:D

while ironically listen to vinyl records as I type this...


It worked well, I can even tell when I have docked correctly now as occasionally the magnets I put on the roomba and side of roomba charger don't contact in order to charge.  Sorry about the misunderstanding, I completely missed the read input voltage with ADC and was wondering why you kept wanting me to add a  voltage devider.   I will try the Arduino build later for a graceful shut down next.

#13   — Edited

There's a JavaScript call to shut down:

or hibernate: <- Requires a lot of HD space and energy

or suspend:  <- Requires battery still

But I think you'd want to use ShutDown. Because Hibernate should be disabled in your NUC for performance, energy consumption, and HD space. It's documented in the Storage and Performance tips:


Thanks.  I am adding a relay board to turn off with an ESP at the moment including cutting Roomba battery for emergency stop (need a big red button) and also clear up roomba when it gets stuck in program mode and won’t talk to EZB.  The JavaScript shutdown should work on PC. thank you then I can power off EZB say 5 minutes later.

still not quite at the point I am prepared to let it roam free yet but with the sealed lead acid battery, navigator, roomba dock, voltage monitor, object avoidance and auto charge, getting closer.


haha yah it's super awesome watching the progress! Wish I had time to build robots like you guys - I'll live vicariously through you!