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Asked — Edited

Jd'S Eyes

Hey there,

I've started printing off JD today and need to place an order for the electronics. I'm guessing the eyes are straight 5mm LEDs, but do I need to order a separate controller of some sort for them or do I put a normal standalone arduino etc in the head and send it commands?



Ps are there any things that I need other than the obvious ones like servos, v4 controller, camera, battery and charger ?


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It was said somewhere that it was a module that went into each eye and was controlled by either serial or i2c. Then you just feed the commands to them and they do the command. I think I heard that the modules would be for sale on the site soon. Sorry I couldn't be much help!

United Kingdom

That's ok ..... Thanks for the reply techno :D

It's just I need to place an order today as I know there is a 5-7 week lead time and would rather order everything I need in one go. I didn't want to do two orders as it would mean another lead time again and extra import duties (they charge duty on each delivery charge too !) Plus if I could order the eye controller boards too it would put me into the free postage bracket :D Hopefully one of the EZ team will be able to answer, failing that I will just go ahead with the order this morning and build them from Atmega chips whilst I wait. Would prefer to buy from EZ though.



We haven't put the LED board up on the store yet. I'm not sure why? Hmmm, ill have to look into that tomorrow! I'm sure someone has a reason:)

United Kingdom

Hey DJ,

Thanks for the reply and thanks for developing such an awesum platform !

If I place my main order today, will you be able to add the controller to my order when it becomes available?




If you use the Contact Us form when the part is listed in the store, Jason will be able to help you with that:) You can modify or cancel your order any time:D

Thanks for the kind words Jay!


@DJ Since we are currently talking about modifying or canceling orders I am gonna abuse the transition a bit.;) I sent a mail with the request to cancel my old order 1-4345, which only included the developer kit a while ago. Meanwhile the order went to step 2. I would really appriciate, if it could get cancelled before the Chinese send it ^^

Did a new order, because I decided to go right for the Revolution JD. Btw. Till when will the preorderphase probably last?


"they charge duty on each delivery charge too !"

Wait. What?

I see you are from uk, so we are both from EU. We have the same importing-laws I think. As far as I know, the bigger the price in total the bigger the duty + taxes + packagesize and especially the chance that they get demanded. Because ez-robot sends orders over 200$ for free, I decided to order JD alone and should I decide later that I also want the Roli or/and some parts, I will do a separate order.

Do you have more details? As far as I know the duty + taxes only get calculated in consideration of the price in total + shipping fee. In my case its free up to 27$, than you pay 19% tax up to 205$ and than you pay additional 2,1% duty fee -> 21,1% in total.

The lower the worth and size of the package, the higher are the chances that they will let the package through without demanding the fees.



I saw your email and cancelled your old order! PLus I saw your new order for the Revolution JD! Just in time before pre-order pricing ends in March:)


DJ Sures, besides the JD's LED eye board missing from the store, I wonder if some other components are missing or omitted from component lists

I have pre-ordered a development kit with a few extras like the LiPo battery and charger. I'm considering ordering the necessary bits to build either a JD or a Six before the "price rise" at the end of this month

From what I can find out by checking the robot components lists on this site, all I would need to build a Six would be the Hexapod shell and 8 extra HD servos. But, looking at a pic of the underside of Six, there is a power switch. Does the Hexapod shell come with this switch along with all wiring & connectors? If not, will they be available from the store soon? It would be easier to source one from you that fits perfectly and has all the connectors. Does the shell come with all necessary hardware - screws, etc? Again, easier to source the right size from you, even though I have a bucketfull (of probably the wrong sized ones!)

The same questions apply to the JD shell and body as I believe I've seen a switch on the back of JD'd body.


Are my questions too difficult? Time is running out for pre-order.

I suppose another question to ask is - if I add to my pre-order now, does it put me to the back of the queue for my original pre-order made in September? Or will 2 separate parcels arrive at different times?

United Kingdom


Hey buddy,

I had an email from Jason early last week saying that some items were still being finalised over the next few weeks (JD's eyes being one item) which is why the final price isn't fixed for it to go in the shop yet. Will just have to wait for them to appear (although I'm tempted to put two 0.96" 4d systems screens where his eyes are! I know they also redesigned the plastic parts so maybe the hardware list isn't finalised yet? Like you I would love to know about these things as it's getting closer to shipping and I would love it all in my order.

Incidentally, @DJ .... Can you ask Jason if he can send the invoice for increasing my order to include a full Roli kit too please ..... I did email him last week but I haven't heard anything and am worried it may have ended up in a junk email folder or something as he's usually really fast at responding.




Email him again Jay...just in case he didn't get it the first time. I'm sure he'll understand.

United Kingdom

Bear in mind they were away from the office last week so are probably playing catch up...

United Kingdom

Hey guys,

Is there any update on JD's eyes? I saw that you had them up and running in the toy fair vid :D:D:D:D and that they were PIC based?

They're obviously not in the shop yet but ideally I would love to add them onto my order so they ship with the rest of the kit. I know they may be something that needs more work or maybe logistics, so if they are going to be too tricky to get ready before the rest of the order then let me know and I will start working on something else.

All the best,



@jayceekeys, @tony1952 - I had the same issue with the eyes, I wanted them but since I also needed a V4 camera, I just ordered JD's head. I figured it has the eyes (since they're not in the store) and the camera. Two birds one stone. Plus it has a few servos as an extra bonus.

United Kingdom

Hey Steve1DH,

Good shout ... I guess I hadn't thought about ordering the head as although I have ordered a complete Rolli, I am printing JD at home.

I could always switch the order over to include a head too, but I guess my concern is if the eyes aren't available yet, then would ordering a head including eyes delay the despatch of the whole part (including the camera) which would otherwise have been sent?

It's going to be totally awesome when we all get our JD's ! So excited !


J :D:D:D


@jayceekeys - I can't wait for my orders to arrive also; unfortunately I did not order a JD or a six (should have, hind sight is always 20/20), I've got a mixed batch of parts and a Roli. It will be fun when everyone gets their orders and the forum gets going into overdrive with everyone's project updates.

United Kingdom

@Steve1DH - I think the forum is going to literally explode when they start getting delivered ! I ordered just the electronics to print/build a JD at first, but then decided to add a Rolli afterwards - just so JD didn't get lonely!


@jayceekeys: Same for me. Ordered JD first, than I calculated a bit and saw what a great deal Roli was. And since Six is JD Sures favorite and I also had written my academic degree in the past about hexapods, I decided to get the whole family:)