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Country: United Kingdom
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Electronics professional and 3D printing addict, home automation enthusiast and general geek :p


  • 2014-01-31 - joined Synthiam
  • 2014-01-31 - created first new question
  • 2014-02-10 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-12-09 - connected ARC to the cloud

Latest submissions


Revolution Hardware List

Hi guys, Firstly thank you so much for uploading the new STL files for printing ! I have already printed some servo brackets, JDs head and have just started printing his body and feet ! They are all coming out incredibly well so I will post pics ASAP there does seem to be a strange line that comes out in the front section of the head (about 13mm...

Printing The Ez Stl Files

Hi Guys, Just a quick question ..... How many of you have been printing the existing files for JD - and how have you been getting on ? I would love to know what machines you have been printing on and any top tips too! I have tried a few of the parts (I know they are to be updated soon but figured that it will give me some practice and an idea of...

Ordered My New Printer !

Hey guys, I thought I would let everyone know .... after many hours struggling to print the EZ bits with my RepRap printer, I decided to buy an amazing new printer to get the awesome prints that my new bots deserve! I reasearched every printer I could possibly think of - the new MBI 5th generation printers, the Ultimaker 2, the Replicator 2 etc and...

Jds Eyes

Hey there, Ive started printing off JD today and need to place an order for the electronics. Im guessing the eyes are straight 5mm LEDs, but do I need to order a separate controller of some sort for them or do I put a normal standalone arduino etc in the head and send it commands? Cheers, Jay Ps are there any things that I need other than the...
Home Automation

Home Automation

Hey guys, I mentioned in another link that I use home automation a lot and have my home totally automated. The system I use is PLC-BUS, but essentially it is all controlled by a PC running...
Internet Connectivity & Data Retrieval

Internet Connectivity Data Retrieval

Hi guys, Its something that deuel18 dropped into a thread that got dismissed because it was way off topic, but I thought it really warranted its...

New Stl Files In ARC

Hi chaps, Could someone give us an ETA for getting the latest JD files in ARC? Im reluctant to print anything now weve been told that the files have been changed / updated. If its not possible to upload them yet, could we know which ones are unaltered so I can print those? Cheers, J
Build Manuals

Build Manuals

Hi guys, Obviously the ARC software includes the STL files for 3D printing the parts to make the Revolution robots and I have made good progress with JD over the weekend. Although the files (eg...
New Robot!

New Robot!

Hi there, Im Jay from the UK and have a few questions! Ive been into electronics, Arduino and robots for years. My last robot was the Wowwee Rovio ..... great as it could be controlled over the web...


Hey guys, Whilst I wait with everyone for the new electronics etc, I thought I would ask about how everyone plans to handle charging. My main use will be for remote camera and driving over the web. So...
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