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Induction Recharging

May I suggest induction battery charging for the robots? This way the robot can dock itself to recharge when needed and remain interactive or go to "sleep" - the beginnings of Borg ... (sorry, I just had to make the Star Trek reference.)

Not sure if these evolution ideas are meant for public forum discussion or not.


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You should talk to @Omegaproject ... he's got his free energy system goin' on... You guys can collaborate.....:P


I hope to have a docking station for my inmoov eventually. It will be one of the last thing that I want to add. I figure he has to be able to navigate before he can make it to the charger and I am a ways from self navigation...


Induction charging would take around 12 hours for the batteries used in our robots - it would also require a very unusual design of a large flat or rounded surface. Lastly, it is incredibly inefficient and would not follow our commitment toward an energy green future:)

United Kingdom

As DJ said, induction charging is extremely inefficient and I personally do not recommend it for anything. While convenient it's a long process and a waste of energy.

An analogy, tuna... It's so much easier to catch tuna if you don't care about whales and dolphins.We wouldn't recommend killing dolphins and whales just for an easier sandwich.