Asked — Edited

IT'S OFFICAL!!!!!!!!

Thats right! It's offical! I have a fully functioning robot! It's my Omnibot, named "Gizmo" ! Complete with flashing and blinking LED's, Able to say his name when asked, Sound effects! Camera...........the whole nine yards...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just love it when a plan comes together! I'll post some pics soon. I,d really like to post a video. Unfortunately I have no idea how to post one. A tutorial would be great. Hint, hint.........


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Congrats!!!!:D Can't wait to see pics and video.


Awesome!!!!!! If u built a robot, posting a video will be easy. Start by visiting They have help on using their service.

Real proud of you dude!!! Looking forward to video and pics. Man u must be on top of the word:)


Awesome. I can't wait to see the images. Perhaps this will be the end of my tutoring days sigh. Hopefully I was able to send you on your way. Very proud of you


:P :P :P :D :D :D :D :) :)

HOOT!! HOOT!! Congrats...... Cant wait to see the video


That's great to hear!:D Looking forward to pics and hopefully a video of your robot.


Build tips and scripts would also be appreciated.:)


Thanks everyone. It was quite an experience. At times frustrating; but mostly a lot of fun. When you first see your robot working it makes it all worth while. Not to worry Liam, I'll still need to consult with you. I've still got a lot to learn; and with your help Gizmo lives! I have to give a shout out to DJ. Without him none of this would be happening! I have a couple other bots waiting in the wings to be .................EZ-B"ed.


Look over in my post under hardware; "looking for stronger motors" for pics of the kitty igloo.