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Humans Need Not Apply

I watched an awesome video today and I thought you guys might be interested in it as well. It's about the robotic revolution upcoming in our society and how it relates to the economy and jobs. It makes me really excited for things to come:)

I'm really excited about self-driving cars in particular. I hope they arrive sooner than later. Though it will be a tough time working them into our legal system, it will totally be worth it when we can avoid time wasted driving, navigating, and causing needless accidents. Imagine a world where driving cars is a leisure activity that some people choose to partake in, like horseback riding, rather than an essential to get from place to place.


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United Kingdom

I'm always reminded of this when I see the self driving car concepts...


Ok Chrissi, so what you need to do is find or employ a legal-bot to argue the benefits of self-driving cars. The they will need to argue with the bank to allow you to finance the price of a self-driving car. Then you will need to make sure that the self-driving car doesn't get hacked or come down with a virus that causes it to require time off to get well. Of course you could once again find or employ a legal-bot to attempt to fix the sick self-driving car, which will lead to the legal-bot getting sick with the same virus, which will then cause the legal-bot to over charge you and then argue that you need to be imprisoned for some made up thing you didn't actually do.

Or you could just take an ezb and make your own self-driving vehicle, knowing full well you have full control over everything and be far better off.


What is a self driving car to do in the case that a child darts out in front of you on a bridge. Dose the car sacrifice the drive for the child or run over the child?


The cars controller MUST BE "Asimov Compliant".


its a scary idea to think that you cannot stop automatization. we will loose alot like how does it feel to drive a car or bike. a huge amount unemployment will rise and keep rising,like the man in de video says, it never stops,its a big diff when one person make a mistake,its only one then. but when a machien makes a mistake there are thousands. its good to know how it works.bring it in practise absolute bad idea. its a step closer to the downfall off human ras. like all inventions are really good ,but as we learn in practise we use it for bad things. excample cell phone ,very nice now i can speak friends or famely far away, but also we kill people whit it click off a button many people dies. avery invention comes whit a prize,question is are we willing to pay the prize.(humanly).

nothing personal chrissi .


@nomad18.08.... Airliners already do it now... Modern jets can land and take off by themselves (computer)... Of course google has autonomous cars right now on the road... Why would one machine cause "thousands" (I assume you mean accidents)? Since driver error is by far the main reason for automobile crashes, replacing him/her with a computer stops 99% of all accidents.

Further point,... is that these autonomous vehicles will have the ability to turn on and off the "auto drive" with a flick of a switch... Letting the human can take over... You will always have the choice to driver or not drive.... Just think, no more excuses for drunk driving... In the end there is not much difference between this and auto pilot in an aircraft...

United Kingdom

There are cars which are almost driver less already. Auto parking, auto braking, cruise control, side lane assist, traffic jam assist... basically look at the options on an Audi A7, the things can pretty much drive themselves now.

The big question is how do you insure it? Who is the driver? Who is liable if you are asleep in the passenger seat while the car drives you home and mows down little Timmy from down the road because a sensor failed or didn't detect him or drives off a cliff because the sat nav got confused?


I understand your point Rich, but don't you think the "system" would have self diagnosis? Wouldn't it know if a sensor failed or if it lost GPS and then compensate for that? There would be "what if" backups built into the system for sure... This happening is hugely less likey than human error causing an accident.... Here in Canada, the owner would be held liable in the event of an accident...

This reminds of the huge ongoing discussion we have on my bike forum about the pros and cons of ABS on a motorcycle... I am in the pro camp...;)

United Kingdom

Not lost GPS, the GPS got confused. Click the link in my last post, it makes for an interesting read... Imagine a robot, without instincts, following the directions of that sat nav while you were asleep in the car... You'd wake up with Aerial, Sebastian and Flounder wondering why a car is parked in their house...

Safety measures are sometimes more of an annoyance too. I remember my old BMW 3 Series Cabrio would "detect" if the wheels had left the floor while the car was moving and if they had the roll over bars would shoot up from behind the back seats... through the roof if it was up... they weren't the most reliable things in the world but not only that, they would go off for no reason... Other cars I've heard stories of, I think it's a Fiat van over here which has a recall because the air bag can just go off for no reason - great when driving along!..

The amount of recalls and problems basic cars have is enough of a concern, add in self driving and you have an increase in road traffic accidents, I am sure.

A robot driver doesn't have the experience or instincts a human one has. You can't program instincts since it's not something that is always logical.


I will just make one more point here (about GPS)... I would think the vehicle would have a backup guidance system... maybe some sort of INS (inertial navigation system)... ? With the computer comparing both systems (making sure they jive with each other), road sensors and object recognition cameras, I just don't see the loss of GPS as a catastrophic event... Car would simply issue a warning and navigate with cameras and road sensors until it can find a way to pull over or have human intervention....

The self driving cars right now don't seem to have guidance issues... and it can only get better...

Not saying I am for or against, but like it or not (pun intended) we're all along for the ride on this one...


i respect your idea in this.even do all works fine ,i still wouldn use it. simpel cause the unemploing it will a huge diff when a car brake down cause off some sensor then a airplane.i have seen planes fall out off the sky by a simpel sticker, yes a sticker.whit the wrong color. am still smiling RR :)


.... I have seen planes fall out of the air because of pilot error.... :) Read this Pilot error main cause of crashes

That sticker was put on by a human, right? I have a small plane pilot's lic (Private Pilot).... Even though I know how to fly, I would rather have a computer fly the plane I am a passenger in than a pilot... Pilots are over worked, exhausted and under paid....


yes when cleaning an airplane they put a stickers ubove the altitude sensor. iff the color off the plane is silver they use orange color even this color isn to see in dark. they forgot to take it off after cleaning.i believe that some 80 percent is by human errors. is thru.but for me personal the unemploiment is the reason for not to do it. thats the diff between you and me.


I am not arguing whether it is good or bad, just spewing out the facts... Fact... a plane is safer if flown by a computer... Don't worry Patrick, next time you're on a plane we'll make sure it is flown by a human pilot....:D

Anyway, that's enough for me for now....;)




Ok Chrissi, so what you need to do is find or employ a legal-bot to argue the benefits of self-driving cars. The they will need to argue with the bank to allow you to finance the price of a self-driving car. Then you will need to make sure that the self-driving car doesn't get hacked or come down with a virus that causes it to require time off to get well. Of course you could once again find or employ a legal-bot to attempt to fix the sick self-driving car, which will lead to the legal-bot getting sick with the same virus, which will then cause the legal-bot to over charge you and then argue that you need to be imprisoned for some made up thing you didn't actually do.

I think that's pretty unrealistic! I'm not saying it needs to happen right now, and I'm not going to solely, on my own, put a self-driving car in front of my face. That's not what I'm saying!

Eventually the wheels will be put in motion and it will happen. It's inevitable. Only depends how long.


Or you could just take an ezb and make your own self-driving vehicle, knowing full well you have full control over everything and be far better off.

An ez-b won't solve any of the problems you just posed. If I tried to drive down the street in an ez-b powered car, I'd be arrested, if it would even start.. .lol... pretty sure that's beyond the capability of ez-b right now. Driving a roli is different than driving me;)




its a scary idea to think that you cannot stop automatization. we will loose alot like how does it feel to drive a car or bike.

There will still be cars and bikes...:) The difference is that you won't require them to go places. It would be like horseback riding now. People still ride horses. They just don't have to do it to get from place to place, they do it because they like it.


a huge amount unemployment will rise and keep rising,like the man in de video says, it never stops,its a big diff when one person make a mistake,its only one then. but when a machien makes a mistake there are thousands.

I don't really get what you're saying... are you saying a machine's mistakes affect more people? I think you'd have to elaborate on that for me to get what that means.


its good to know how it works.bring it in practise absolute bad idea. its a step closer to the downfall off human ras. like all inventions are really good ,but as we learn in practise we use it for bad things. excample cell phone ,very nice now i can speak friends or famely far away, but also we kill people whit it click off a button many people dies. avery invention comes whit a prize,question is are we willing to pay the prize.(humanly).

Technology so far has only improved our lives! It will keep going on that way. There's always a cost to everything. So far I think the biggest cost to technology has been pollution and waste. But we are coming up with ways to manage that. I think the future is bright:) Sure people will lose jobs, but that has to happen for progress to happen. It can't really be helped. And there will be new jobs available, that maybe people can get if they've been laid off. The cycle continues!


Legal bot? Now that is futuristic. How can you make a robot both smart AND lie! ;)