Hi, all!
I've been toying with a retro-design robot. I know he'll be EZ-Robot based with a dome head and either a cylindrical or square body that will have a retractable arm either in his torso or attached on the side. His propulsion is where I'm undecided. At first, I thought a Wall-E type treads. Then I saw an omni-directional chassis that is intriguing. Then a little "IDEA!" LED lit up above my head: why not use Six as a base?
So, here I am with some questions: How much weight could Six support? After reading about the amazing HDD servos, I don't think they would be an issue. I'd be extending each leg "root" away from the body by one extension block and create a roughly 8" x 8" platform for the body/arm. If the arm isn't mounted centrally, or when the arm is extended, the weight will be distributed asymmetrically; will that put undue stress on the servos?
My intent is to keep the body/arm/head as light as possible, but you know how things add up.
Hello, 6 cannot really hold much weight, a couple pounds at the most. It puts a strain on servos when weight is added.
If you are using the HDD servos, this shouldn't be a problem. The new servos will shut down if they are over exerted. Also, the new servos can efficiently lift significant more weight than the previous version. Go ahead with your project, there's a high probability the servo shuts down to save itself - however, i cannot use the word "indestructible" with anything physical...
Thanks, DJ! I thought that may be the case - but I wanted to make sure, rather than find out the hard way.
Tex, Keep us posted on this "experiment". I'm curious as to how these new servos preform out in the wild. I'm sure they are even better then DJ says. Sounds like a fun project.