— Edited
I'm using a Six Hexapod and I'm building my own plugin. I'm very new so please be indulgent !
I'm trying to do something very simple but it sadly doesn't work
Here's the thing : I just want to make the robot move ! (see veryyyy simple). So I've created my plugin, all the setup is good. I followed this tutorial : https://synthiam.com/Tutorial/How-To-Make-An-EZ-Builder-Plugin-16328/14 which is exactly what I want to do however it doesn't work. I think I misunderstood something. When I open ARC , I add my own plugin, click on the button but nothing happends. I thought I had to add a movement plugin (an already existing one) but still doesn't work.
Here's my code :
private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
label1.Text = EZ_Builder.EZBManager.EZBs[0].Servo.GetServoPosition(EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum.D0).ToString();
I know it's very simple, so any ideas what I'm doing wrong ?
I'm sorry the code got weird but I can't edit the post !
Do not double post. I deleted your other post.
You haven’t provided enough information to help you. There’s a section of the tutorial for trouble shooting. Did you look at it? https://synthiam.com/Tutorial/How-To-Make-An-EZ-Builder-Plugin-16328/11
You most likely missed a step by copying code for the button click RATHER than double clicking the button which auto assigns the event.
The button needs to know what code to run when pressed. If you jumped ahead of the tutorial that may have missed that step. If not, follow each step of the tutorial because that’s the only way I can help you.
Thanks for your answer and sorry for the double post. I actually looked all the trouble shooting and tutorials and I still can't figure this out. I don't think the button is the problem because I can do actions when I click on it. The only action that doesn't work is the robot command. Indeed, I even tried to move the servos seperatly and it worked.
I know you said you couldn't help me more but if anyone has any answer. I'm sure it's just a basic step that's missing but I can't find out which one and I keep reading tutorials and trying code but I can't move the entire robot, only servos.
Do you have an Auto Position control in your project that contains movements for it?
The commend "move forward" doesn't mean anything if there isn't a Movement Panel to respond to. Read what a Movement Panel is here: https://synthiam.com/Software/Manual/Movement-Panels-17372
Yes I do, I add the "auto position movement panel". But actually, I just saw that I can't move the robot from this panel either. I mean here's what it looks like :
I can't execute actions, so I guess it's a configuration problem ?
Thanks for helping I know that's basic stuff but I'm struggling.
There's no configuration problem - there's a lack of configuration. There's no movements created in your Auto Position control. Maybe it's a good idea to start at the tutorials for the Six Hexapod robot, you can find them here: https://synthiam.com/Community/Tutorials/104?courseId=2
Specifically, it'll be good if you look at the tutorials that explain what the Auto Position is and how to make movements using it. A blank ARC project can't make anything happen because there's no configuration. That's like opening a MS Word document and sending it to the printer... you'll get a blank page. Blank projects are blank projects.
In the meantime, I recommend loading your plugin into the Six Hexapod - Bare project because it contains movements in the auto position.
We've spent hundreds and hundreds of hours creating The Robot Program episodes for EZ-Robot products to teach the basics of ARC software to program robots. The basic questions you're struggling with are covered in those tutorials
Ok thanks I'll look right away !
Thank you for your time !!
Any time
Oh, also remember that the ? (question mark) next to the X (close) button on every control brings you to the appropriate manual page. The Auto Position has a great manual here: https://synthiam.com/Software/Manual/Auto-Positioner-Gait--16057
Either way, you can get running right away if you load your plugin into the SIX HEXAPOD - BARE example project
Ok thanks ! I've just loaded the bare project seems to work fine !