— Edited
Hi everyone. I guess since I've been doing some replying lately that I really should really introduce myself.
My name is Steve, I live in Ontario Canada and I'm 39 years old. For my occupation I am a kitchen cabinet maker, progressing through the ranks over the 25 years I've worked for the same employer. I have a supportive wife (married for 16 years) who loves the fact that I have found something (EZ-Robot) that helps with what I have always had an interest in. I also have four children who I hope get an interest in robotics.
I stumbled across EZ-Robot one day about a year ago. I watched the forum and read about all the things that could be done with the EZ-B and was really impressed with the quality information that this community produces. Last January I purchased my EZ-Robot kit to show up just before my birthday in February. I have since then done some dabbling with the kit, making a small test/practice bot (will post in projects), but still have to get really deep into the more advanced part of doing any scripting (I've got Rich's scripting tutorial made into a "textbook" so I can read and study it anytime). I have no official training in any technology areas (more learn on my own) so EZ-Robot was the perfect start for me. I have always tinkered with electronics and mechanical projects, but that's just it, dabbled. I hope that this becomes something me and my kids can turn into something bigger; time will tell.
I hope to post and reply more often as I become more proficient in the art of robotics. Thanks DJ for the dream you have for everyone to be able to have a personal robotics in their homes.
Welcome to the forum... well, welcome to being active
That's awesome that my scripting tutorials are helping you, I did plan on doing more but couldn't think of anything to base it on. Just bear in mind that some of the scripting syntax has changed since I wrote some of the scripts etc. I don't think much has been affected though but be a bit cautious of syntax errors.
Looking forward to seeing some of your creations.
Super nice to meet you! Thanks for the warm introduction
Welcome to the active side! I'm based in Ontario too which is kind of cool.
Hi Steve,
I've noticed your posts and was glad new people like yourself are getting involved in the forum. We can always use good minds like you seem to have commenting on ideas and problems. Load knows Rich cant always be expected to carry the load.
Welcome and I'm looking forward to see what you've done and will come up with in the future.
All -Thank-you for the welcome. I hope to be a bit more vocal... I mean typal...? Whatever works for replying on a post. (I will pre-apologize now for my lame sense of humour. I find it's better to find a laugh in things then to get too uptight about it).
@Rich - your talent in scripting is Jedi Master -like, and I am but a young padawan under your tutelage.
@DJ - anything less than warmth would not be to the level of camaraderie that I have witnessed over the time I was just a watcher of this community. DJ you remind me of how my father ran his business before he passed away; there was nothing he wouldn't do for any customer or employee that had a need. He didn't even dress the part of company president he looked just like any other employee and he was respected by customers and employees alike. I see that in you by how you will personally reply to posts. Keep up the personal touch.
@Technopro- Fellow Ontario'an. I am extremely impressed with some of the replies you have made. I remember my shock when you revealed your age in a post. Keep up the work on your bots. Roli Mega (formerly Rover Ad) seems to be in the same boat we all are; waiting for the bits and boards to ship. I have two orders with EZ-Robot waiting (I always seem to make an order then a week or two later realizing I should have ordered this or that also). There is going to be a whole bunch of crazy things happening after the ship date; there are a lot of projects just itching to proceed and there will just be a crazy amount of posting going on.
@dschulpius - I will help in any way I can, it's kind of what I do at work. I am in the production office where we are given the task of figuring out how to make the sales team's plans a reality. We are basically the "brain box" between sales and production. That's how my first reply originated, helping A. Ameralis with his arm "shock" return, it's the type of thing I do everyday - "How can we make this work?". If it's in my realm of capabilities I will chime in anytime.
All - I am just geeked out even replying to you guys because I feel like I've be watching a TV series on robotics and now I'm on the show with the celebrities. I'll get used to it I'm sure. Sorry had to get that out of my system.
@ Steve. , Welcome to the Community! , I think you will find (if you haven't noticed already) there is no other small robotics community like us. I look forward to watching your projects .
- Josh
Hey Steve! Excited to see what you can do! Looking forward to having you on board
Nice to meet you Steve - Welcome to the community! Can't wait to see the robots you and your kids make
Thanks man! It's cool to hear other peoples perspectives on my projects!