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Greetings To All And Happy Holidays From Lloyd

I 'm just like that bad penny .....I just keep turning up. I'm finally back home and have been ungoing rehab for my second stroke. I send my personal greetings to all my old friends. I'm going to have to basically start all over with my robotics pursuits. I lost a lot of my knowledge base. Lots of things I just can't seem to remember. I'm hoping and praying that I will be able to continue improving over time.The stroke effected my left side again. I don't have much use of my left hand and arm; but I am up and walking around some. I'd really welcome hearing from and getting caught up with my old friends and there robots. I'm sure I'll be moving to a new home at some point.For now all of my things are packed up. I am looking forward to getting settled into a new home so I can unpack and begin the journey back. The divorce is still an ongoing ordeal. I am still rather devastated at the loss of my wife. She was the love of my life. It is difficult at times to understand God's ways. It would give my spirits a great lift to hear from everyone. I'm living alone now and it gets very lonely and difficult at times. I wish all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Lloyd


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I am so happy to see you back on the forum Lloyd. I hope to see you up and building robots again. Whatever God's plan, it is not for us to see. I know it is hard for you but remember that God does have a plan. Merry Christmas to you, and God Bless. Bret


Hi Bret, Much thanks for the welcome back. Hope all is goimg well for you. What are you working on?


Well said Brett! I dont know you Robotz but I believe you to be highly regarded and remembered. Best wishs to you Robotz012248. May one day humans can be "reloaded" after such a trauma.:)


Hi , Lloyd, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and Everyone.



Hi Robotz! I'm not an old friend but I'd love to be a new one. Glad your up and walking around and sounds like your making good progress. Strokes really suck and are a challenge to overcome. I saw first hand my Dad struggle with one and understand what your dealing with.

Sounds like we're in somewhat of the same place. I'm also learning these concepts. However you have a leg up as the info is still in your head just waiting to rediscover. What are some of the robots you've done in the past?

Dave Schulpius


Welcome back Lloyd,

Bad penny or not without penny's there would be no dollars, we all add up to something but together we add up to something great!:)



@Lloyd - so here are my projects I am currently working on (3 at once): The first is the programming of my mini B9


The second is an entertainment bot I call RoboRad - he is a blend of a Robosapien and a RAD base. He will be for music and lights, and beverage carrying via a cooler trailer.


And third I am refitting Bob with guns to become Gunslinger Bob - a mechwarrior bot.

Gunslinger Bob

Are you going to continue on with Gizmo? I think my arm design on my B9 could work for you. I could work up the design in a larger scale for you if you'd like? And get you info on parts for it. By the way, I do things as cheap as I can 'cause I don't have a lot of money so whatever I come up with will not be high dollar. Just a thought. Let me know.


Bret, is your Mini-B EZB file in the EZ-Cloud? I'd like to take a peek.


Great to hear from you Lloyd:) Happy holidays to you also!


Thanks to one and all for such a warm welcome back. It is appreciated believe me. @ Bret I do intend on continuing my work on Gizmo. Althought I don't yet know when I will start again. I'd love to get the info on your arm. I had always intened to mount the arm in the lower front opening on Gizmo's body shell. How many DOF on your arm design? Glad to see that I am still remembered. Lloyd


Look at this video of my mini B - the arm will also rotate so it has that same movement in a 180 degree turn.


@Bret: I would really like to see your arm design on your 9 robot. You can contact me at: Thanks, Lloyd


No problem Lloyd, I will do that. I am at


Thanks Bret, looking forward to seeing the plan. Lloyd


Lloyd have a blessed safe christmas and a happy new year.


Thank you robot maker. I wish you and yours the same. This will be one of the worst Christmas's of my life. I met my seperated wife on Christmas eve 12 years ago. I will be very alone this christmas. Lloyd


Thats very tuff Robotz stress ...I have read of couples who do robots together and one day you will meet again a special lady to share interests