To whom it may concern I would like to know why do my ezb 4 restart when I'm testing my smart servos? I have smart digital servos and Dymanixel servos, but it's the regular digital servos I'm testing 1st. My Dymanixel servos are connected to a 3pin hub which is on port 5 and 6 hooked up. The digital servos are plugged in the ezb 4 thank you, Mike.
Related Hardware EZ-B v4
What is your power source? How many servos? The EZ-B will brown out if not supplied enough amps.
Power source is a ac adapter 120v with 10 digital servos, and my dynamixel servos are plugged into my hub adapter.
@JerseyLance, You need to be more specific about your setup. You have a long history of issues i.e. posts with Dynamixel servos, maybe the devil is in the details.
Let's break the "problem"
So you have 2 type of servos: Dynamixel Servos and Smart Digital Servos.Q1) Dynamixel servos model ? Q2) Smart Digital Servos model ?
So your "smart digital servos" are not smart but digital servos (PWM) connected to EZB digital ports ? Q3) Can you confirm my assumption regular digital/analog pwm servos not smart servos ? Q4) What's the EZB4's power source's specs: Voltage and Amperes. 120 v is obvious (US & Canada) although is not relevant to EZB, Q5 What action caused the brownout ? Did you tried to move a single servo position ? multiple positions ? while idle ? Q6) Can you be more specific what is a 3 pin hub (maybe upload a picture) and the wiring between port 5 and 6 ?Thanks for responding back, but I'm on my way to my office I'll show my pictures as soon as I get there ok.