Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Ez-Sdk Sample Code For Jd :)

Hello, i am playing around with an JD-Robot and wanted to rogramm it in Linux. the small code works, and it print "HelloWorld" in the Terminal. But how can i make my JD move? Are there librarys, or just an sample code for movin JD would be enough:) Thanks in advance, Patrick.


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OpenBot is a third party product and not supported by ez-robot. I have never actually used it, although I have seen some projects built with it. I have not seen a JD built with it because the code does not contain the Auto Position GAIT module.

If you are using Linux, I would recommend using the EZ-Mono SDK. The Mono SDK for EZ-Robot contains the Auto Position GAIT module, which will allow you to make JD walk. Here is a link to the Mono SDK:


DJ, That is what he is trying to use. You posted the same link Patrick did.



Hi, @ thetechguru, thanks, just wanted to say that:)

I want an sample code which moves my JD-Robot that i know how to use Mono with my EZ-Robot, Patrick


Alan, he edited the post - it was originally about OpenBot.

Looks like he answered his own question:D


To use the Auto Position, this is a cut and paste of how to move servos..

    string ActionGUID1 = string.Empty;
    string ActionGUID2 = string.Empty;

void InitPositions() {

      // These are events from the auto positions
      ezb.AutoPosition.OnComplete += AutoPosition_OnComplete;
      ezb.AutoPosition.OnStartAction += AutoPosition_OnStartAction;
      ezb.AutoPosition.OnStartFrame += AutoPosition_OnStartFrame;

      // First we define the servos
      ezb.AutoPosition.Config.AddServo(Servo.ServoPortEnum.D0); // 0
      ezb.AutoPosition.Config.AddServo(Servo.ServoPortEnum.D1); // 1
      ezb.AutoPosition.Config.AddServo(Servo.ServoPortEnum.D2); // 2
      ezb.AutoPosition.Config.AddServo(Servo.ServoPortEnum.D3); // 3

      // Add a frame. The number of positions must match the number of servos. First position is for the first servo, second position is for the second servo, etc..
      // In this example, this frame sets all servos to position 90
      string frame1 = ezb.AutoPosition.Config.AddFrame("Frame #1", new int[] { 90, 90, 90, 90 });

      // Now we will add more frames...
      string frame2 = ezb.AutoPosition.Config.AddFrame("Frame #1", new int[] { 70, 20, 40, 10 });
      string frame3 = ezb.AutoPosition.Config.AddFrame("Frame #1", new int[] { 170, 140, 80, 160 });
      string frame4 = ezb.AutoPosition.Config.AddFrame("Frame #1", new int[] { 20, 70, 150, 100 });

      // Create an action by assigning a bunch of frames to it. 
      // Rather than a frame being assigned to an action directly, it gets wrapped in an ActionFrame which allows you to specify parameters
      // the parameters are Delay, Steps and Speed
      // The Delay is how long in MS to delay between steps
      // The Steps is how large of a step to take (1 moves the servo 1 position per step, 2 moves the servo 2 positions per step, etc..)
      // The Speed is how fast to set the ServoSpeed. A -1 means do not change the speed. 0 means move the speed to 0, etc...
      ActionGUID1 = ezb.AutoPosition.Config.AddAction(new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionAction(
        "Test Action 1",
        new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame[] {
          new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame(frame1, 25, 3, -1),
          new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame(frame2, 25, 3, -1),
          new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame(frame3, 25, 3, -1),
          new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame(frame4, 25, 3, -1),
          new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame(frame3, 35, 1, -1),
          new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame(frame2, 35, 1, -1),
          new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame(frame1, 35, 1, -1),

      // Let's create a second action
      ActionGUID2 = ezb.AutoPosition.Config.AddAction(new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionAction(
        "Test Action 2",
        new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame[] {
          new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame(frame1, 25, 3, -1),
          new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame(frame3, 25, 3, -1),
          new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame(frame3, 25, 5, -1),
          new EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame(frame2, 25, 5, -1),

    void AutoPosition_OnStartFrame(AutoPosition sender, EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionFrame frame, EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionActionFrame actionFrame) {

     Console.WriteLine("Frame {0}  (Steps: {1}, Speed: {2}, Delay: {3})", frame.Title, actionFrame.Steps, actionFrame.ServoSpeed, actionFrame.Delay);

    void AutoPosition_OnStartAction(AutoPosition sender, EZ_B.Classes.AutoPositionAction action) {

      Console.WriteLine("Action Started: {0}", action.Title);

    void AutoPosition_OnComplete(AutoPosition sender) {

      Console.WriteLine("Action Stopped");

void StartAction1() {


void StartAction2() {


void StopAction() {



Thanks, but when i try to compile it (gmcs HelloWorld.cs) there is an error: HelloWorld.cs(2,0): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `string'


Can you pls give me a complete code?



Alan, he edited the post - it was originally about OpenBot.

Not when I read it 4 hours ago:)

Maybe you opened it in a tab and only got to it after an edit? That sometimes happens when I am reading a bunch of new posts.



@ Dj Sures, can you please me an complete code for moving my robot? Not only pieces of it? confused