I apologize if this is a redundant question: but with EZ-pi software used for EZ-b, raspberry pi, does the camera system support identifying and counting objects like computer vision in opencv ?I hope that is possible https://opencv.org/
Related Hardware Raspberry Pi
This is very interesting. I also would like to add this to my existing robot. Sorry I cannot answer your question but I believe someone on this community can.
Yes, the camera vision control has a variable that returns the number of detected objects, and more. There’s a lot of variables.
The object train and learn doesn’t work on the raspberry pi edition of ARC
heres the camera manual: https://synthiam.com/Software/Manual/Camera-Device-16120
Thanks for giving me an idea
I really like the ARCs camera vision control, but I experienced that the camera on the Raspberry Pi is painfully slow if used with EZ-pi software... This might change with future updates, but for now I would use the EZ-B hardware for ARCs camera vision control!
OpenCV on the other hand is a great tool, but its kind of hard to run on a Raspberry Pi!
We have the raspberry pi camera scheduled for a re-write. Not sure when we'll get around to it, but I'm guessing before end of May
Sweet, that's nice to know!!