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Couple Small Ui Tweaks For Accessibility

3 small UI tweaks that would help me allot with my robot.

On Touch Tablet Controls, two selectable options: 1st - One that causes the panel to lock onto the mouse on one click (like holding the mouse button) and release on the next click. 2nd - One that makes it activate the Movement Panel's stop function when released.

On servo Controls with a Slider, both standard & modified: Add an arrow button at each end of the slider which increments the slider in that direction 1 degree.

Explanation: Due to my disabilities, I can't physically click mouse buttons anymore... I rely on what's called dwell clicking, which clicks the mouse after a specified period of time after you stop moving the mouse, specifically I use this program called Point-N-Click to do my clicking.. The 1 sec dwell time makes using Movement Panels kind of cumbersome, so I like using the Touch Tablet Controls via my mouse whenever I can. Point-n-click provides me a drag click function, which allows me to activate Touch Tablet Controls.. The problem, most notable with TTC > Movement, is if I don't keep the mouse twitching while driving my bot, my drag click releases but the bot keeps going, giving me a choice between clicking stop on the Regular Movement Panel (a ~1.5 sec operation) or reactivate drag click & regain control of TTC > Movement Panel (a ~4 sec minimum operation).


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