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Continuous Servo Control

Hi everyone. Since a continuous servo's position cannot be specified like a standard servo, is there a way to control its rotation? For example, can I specify that the servo turns for two seconds and then stop?


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With an EZ-Script you can.

If you are using the modified servo Movement Panel it's the forward, reverse, left and right commands, i.e. forward(255,2000) which would move the servo(s) forwards for 2 seconds at full speed.

I'm not sure if you can do it without the Movement Panel as that's the only way I've ever looked at it. Check in the EZ-Script manual :)


The EZ-Script manual does have functions like Left(), Right() to specify the time to turn so that will enable the servo to do what I need it to do.

In terms of servo speed, however, what is the range of value that can be entered? Also, is this value in RPM or is it another unitless parameter that requires calibration and calculation?


Speed is not affected by modified servos - because modified servos don't really have a speed :)


What do you mean by they don't really have a speed?

The rate at which they rotate cannot be specified?