— Edited
I have a project I'm working on (encl.) with a Movement Panel to control the treads. When you press the forward arrow, only one servo turns, the other does a momentary movement, then freezes. Whether executing a call to the movement control from script or manually, it doesn't seem matter, same result.
However, if I create a fresh project, set up exactly the same Movement Panel (nothing else), everything works fine. Based on that, I figure it has something to do with scripts, but don't know what or why.
No comments about the messy/amateur scripting, I'm not a coder
Any helpful recommendations to improve the script, or general architecture suggestions ALWAYS appreciated and invited
file: Peters_Wall-E.EZB
where is your ultrasonic sensor mounted
i will upload a new file to use Peters_Wall-E-634911732665585937.ezb modified
In the front of the body. See Cyberdude's Wall-e in the project section for images. Thanks!
I cannot load your file because I am on my phone. But does your project have a camera on it? I had a similar situation once... It turned out that in the camera window the default servo for camera tracking was one of the servo ports I had used for the movement panel. As soon as I changed the port# in the camera window everything worked great.
you were using the radar menu and it requires a servo to move to scan but you don't have one so you should use graph ultrasonic menu hope this helps i posted a project for you to use in my last post try it
Nope. Double-checked all servos. They are all on discreet channels.