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Asking About Shipping

hi! anyone here from the Philippines tried to purchase from EZ-store? how long your order arrive after purchase? or someone knows a store here in Asia selling EZ-robot parts/accesories...


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The new Revolution boards and robots still haven't really shipped yet (with a few exceptions)... I highly doubt that any retail stores have any yet... My guess is shipping will likely take a couple of weeks from when stock is available (current estimate is by the end of July).... So If you order now... you might get lucky (depending on the amount of back logged orders) and receive it by the end of August...


Preorder customers are receiving their orders before stores.:)


@DJSures: can i order a customize arm gripper? because if i buy the 3 Servo-motor Arm with Gripper in EZ-store the gripper cant get my object... i will still use the 3 Servo-motor Arm with Gripper but i only change the gripper... but my customize gripper still fit if i change it... the shape of gripper still like this Gripper but in different size...


@Technopro: i want a gripper that can hold 3 inch width... because i want my robotic arm to get a ball, cube, and cylinder...


Well, you'll need someone who can use a 3d autoCAD software to make it, and then print it. I don't have a 3d printer. I have low experience in AutoCAD, but I could try.


was under the the thought that developer kits were to be shipped out at the end of june and plastics some time in july well it is the 9th and still no words have been waiting since nov last year have been very understanding but no dates yet ....I am also pretty close about 22 hour drive away so shipping should not take forever would some let me know .....have heard now maybe Aug............... feeling left out of the ezrobot revolution and hoping to join in the fun Thanks Andreas Brednow


Unless you live in China, you're probably not 22hours away... I was under the impression Revolution products are being dropped shipped from China...


I am excited as well. I was hoping to get a little practice with the revolution kit before the school year begins and I am working with the students. Still have fingers and toes crossed that they will ship soon.

United Kingdom

Anyone who has ordered a board or Dev kit, should receive an email confirming shipping and a tracking number before the end of July. Orders are being despatched in the order they were placed. So for a lot of us guys that have preorder status, we should be hearing very soon about an eta. #can't sleep (it's like waiting for Christmas):D


@mgodsell1973: you ordered EZ-parts since when? and if you receive your items please let me know...


@Richard R & @brednow_a - That is correct! We are drop shipping direct from our manufacturing facilities in China. We have begun shipping developer Kits and EZ-B's direct to customer. Including all pre-orders, we still have about 1900 orders to get through! It is an exciting time, but lots of work ahead getting all orders out!


@Jason... Thanks for the update... Question... will we be getting tracking #s for the drop shipped orders... or will our orders just go from processing order to marked shipped...? And do you have any idea how long it might (boards and developer's kits not the Revolution bots) take to clear out the back log and catch up? Weeks? Months?.... I am going to place another order but I am not feeling much like sitting at the back of the line just right now....:)

United Kingdom

Hi @yatakitombi I ordered mine in nov 13, not long now. Fingers crossed. When did you order yours


@Richard R - You will be receiving an email with the tracking number. We're pushing as hard as we possibly can to have all the EZ-B's and Developers kits shipped out by the end of July. There are a ton of orders though so there might be a few straglers shipping early August.

The very first Revolution Robots are on target to ship at the end of July. Again we'll be pushing hard to ship all of them by the end of August:)


again I get answers from questions ...guess we all have to wait ...:( ...well the way this is going maybe will get my order in 5-6 weeks with 8 months of pre orders.............................. hope all preorders are filled first cause we helped with development capital and have been pretty understanding on why it takes so long ........they should again have let us all know not just saying hope june now hope july and now direct from china and I have to ask on a forum to find anything out


..and now they say by end of August? sounds very suspicious to me.


hi mgodsell1973 you order yours one day before me...I ordered mine november 14 2013 .............hope you receive yours before I do :) let me know and I will also when you get your tracking number ...

United Kingdom

@robohappy they aren't saying August, they are still saying July. August is for when all robots will have shipped, there is quite a back order built up and it will take time to clear, this has always been the case.


wtf! almost 1 year before the order receive? i thought only weeks or 1 month.... zzzZZZzzz i cant use EZ-Robot for my school project because i have deadline...:(

@Alan and @Jason: btw, i have cousin there in Alberta, Canada... if i please him to buy directly in your store/office, the parts are available anytime? i mean buy in hand carry not shipping because it will take long... please reply...


@Yatakitombi.... Nothing is being shipped from Canada now... All EZ Robot products are being drop shipped from China.... If you buy from EZ Robot, it will be shipped from China... The longer you wait to buy, the longer it will take to ship to you.... If you want an EZ Robot kit by September, I suggest you order very, very soon...

V4 was introduced last Summer/Fall (2013) as a pre-order only.... There had been several delays, but now the product is beginning to ship.... You won't have to wait a year... maybe a month or so now...

United Kingdom

@Yatakitombi please be aware that Revolution robots and the EZ-B V4 have been under development for some time. Orders have always been pre-orders. The ship date was originally to be around December 2013 however due to the manufacturing processes and the molds being more work than EZ-Robot originally envisaged (as a result they have brought in more companies to handle the designs etc. and advise them).

If you order now the pre-order should be dispatched near the end of August or early September as a guess. This is around 6 weeks not a year.


my design will be finish and approve in Aug. 18, 2014 if they will like it... that's the date of what my teacher said... after that i will buy the parts in EZ... how long it will take?


Guess people just want to start in the ez-robot revolution and they all are hoping the on going production of the product will stop being pushed on and on when i first ordered i was under the impresion that it would show in dec for xmas then in spring for my bday and we keep getting longer now it is going to head to fall .....i will be waiting because at this point i am looking forward to see it .....i understand now we are getting it direct from china .....hopefully it is not on a slow boat or that they have to wait longer so they can fill more containers to make it cheaper .....and one more question is there going to be extra cost now for shipping cause it coming overseas .....i feel sorry for the student and teachers that have preordered .....they were hopeing to receive the orders before school went out for the summer now are hopeing to get before school starts again is frustrating to wait for a product that we all believe is great ......hope we will get some end to this socn .......ezrobot customer who is still waiting :)

United Kingdom

@brednow_a EZ-Robots have been open about the delays since day one and have explained why the delays have happened, have been apologetic, have kept us updated since the announcement of the last delay and have even provided those who pre-ordered early store credit.

With any new product which is in pre-order whilst being designed there is always the chance of a delay, it happens constantly within the video game/software industry. In order to fund the research and development of the EZ-B V4 and the revolution robots EZ-Robots relied on pre-order custom to fund (or part fund) the r&d which is in excess of $1million. Again, this is something which EZ-Robots have been open about.

Also, all EZ-Robot products have always been shipped from China with the exception of the first batch of V4s sent from Canada and probably some of the earlier EZ-Bs.

My experience was the shipping from Canada to UK was slower than the shipping from China to UK.

As Alan has said, Developer kits have begun shipping. Revolution robots are due to ship this month and all pre-ordered kits and robots are hoped to have shipped by the end of August.

EZ-Robots have been nothing short of open and honest since the announcement of the last delays, we can't ask for anything more, they can't speed up the process at all, it's now just a case of waiting patiently for a few more weeks.



rich this is just me venting....... yes they were open after I was told it was in a pre order in dec when I asked if my product was going to shipped i said heard it was maybe in april or may next ....june or july and yes always with reasons like getting the product better ....finding better tooling and earth quack in japan was even mentioned they saying july august and now getting direct shipping form china ...which no one mentioned to me I found that out on this forum so please let me express that I are not questioning their honesty I would just like the wait to come to an end and want to have a good relationship with ez robot ......have already thought on how to use for it halloween am waiting for the next couple of weeks again and may my hopes work Andreas Brednow


We have known that shipping was going to be from China since maybe last January.... It's not new info, really...


well richard guess you asked more questions than I I say it has been a long time and keeps getting longer and longer not shipping on dates they state like june and july now july aug .........will just let it be and see trying to be positive:)

United Kingdom

Again, Dev kits have begun shipping and did begin in June. Robots will begin shipping in July as has always been the case. The dates haven't changed.


sigh! im very hopeless in EZ-Robot now...:( im so scared if i order it will take half a year before i receive...:(

i like EZ-Robot but the delivery to their customer is unsatisfactorily... btw, thx for the info guys... i hope they will find better ways to make it fast... because i dont know what materials i shift that the capability is the same with EZB but easy to buy...


Why do you think it will take a half a year when we all told you otherwise? You have been on this forum for about a month now.... If you had of ordered a month ago, you wouldn't be worried...


What it all boils down to is that DJ and crew have developed an amazing product that they are trying to make sure that all of the bugs are worked out. Yes we are all excited and maybe a little frustrated with time windows, but it will be worth it. My dad was one who received a v4 that was 3d printed and is doing way cool things with it. I look forward to using this product with my students and know it will inspire many children to pursue careers in math, science, and engineering. If it takes another month or two,so what. It is a great product and will be a great tool in my classroom.


Go ahead and place your ez robot order , you will have it soon I assure you:)


I have had two developer kits ordered since the middle of April. Way excited!


I think I ordered in Oct.

to put it Bluntly, you can't rush Quality.